Grammy Awards

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Taylor's P.O.V

Getting ready for Grammy's has always been the highlight of my year but this year it feels oh so different. For starters I'm now married which still shocks most of the music community and I also have two children which leaves room for people to speculate as to whether they are Ed's or not. They are in-fact Ed's children because when you look at them they look exactly like me, blonde haired, blue eyes and Ellie's face has the same shape as Ed's too. Everyone knows James is adopted although we never publically released it you could tell he came from somewhere else and no one knew that Ed wasn't really Ellie's father apart from my family and his as well as my band who were family. It was going to be exciting to walk the red carpet with someone this year, stopping for interviews where we wanted to and living by our own rules. I was nominated for three Grammy's tonight which included; Record of the Year, Song of the Year and Best Pop Solo Performance while Ed was nominated for three as well; Best Pop Vocal Album, Album of the Year and Best Song Written for Visual Media for 'I See Fire' and we were both super excited to be going tonight.

We were an hour away from leaving when Karlie and Josh showed up. I heard Ed let them in from upstairs where I was feeding Ellie so she might sleep a bit easier. I had just finished feeding and burping her when I heard a knock as I was fixing my bra. "Come on in." I called as Karlie poked her head around the door. James who was in the corner of our room wearing Lego pyjamas after his bath stood up and walked towards Karlie saying "Kay Kay" I smiled as I watched her stoop down and pick James up before walking over to me. "Looking good there Mrs Sheeran, Ed will die if you wear that tonight." She stated as she smirked at me. I laughed as I stood up with Ellie in my arms. She was getting bigger and I was starting to think that the doctor may have been right because although Ed and I were trying for another child it just wasn't happening. "Thanks Karlie, but as a respectable member of the music industry I think they expect me to wear perfection..." I trail off as I carefully rock Ellie to sleep. I look up to see Karlie looking at me. "What?" I question. "Nothing Tay, it's just that ever since I met you in 2013 I couldn't imagine you married to someone but now I can't imagine you without Ed or without your adorable kids. I mean seriously check out your kids." She stated as I smiled and glanced down at Ellie who had fallen asleep and to James who was playing with Karlie's necklace. "You're right Karlie. I would be lost..." I trailed off thinking about not being able to get pregnant. Karlie sensed my sadness as she put James down and he walked back to his toys and she took Ellie from me and took her to her room next door. Coming back I felt the mattress dip as she sat next to me. "Taylor..." she said as I looked at her. "You are amazing. You are a mother to two, a world-class singer and mother before your 30th birthday. You are incredible and you should allow the magic to work." She finished in a serious voice. I smiled slightly as she hugged me and as I mumbled into her shoulder. "I love you Karlie, you are going to be the best mom one day." She smiled and thanked me before telling me to get dressed. I grinned and an hour later Ed and I were on the way to the Grammy red carpet.

Ed's P.O.V

The worst part about the Grammy process today was waiting for Taylor to emerge in her beautiful Ellie Sabb dress we had picked together for the awards. We had both jokingly said about wearing purple/pink strappy sandals and that's what the stylist ended up picking anyway. Me on the other hand, I was simply wearing black dress pants with a white collared shirt that I rolled the sleeves up on, a black tie and a waistcoat which tied the look together. Unfortunately tonight my wife would be taller than me but I really didn't care. We were only ever the same height at home but I let her wear whatever she wanted. Who was I to judge her and tell her what to wear? The car I had arranged for tonight was driven by security which we liked because we still got the odd stalker even though Taylor is definitely not single anymore and neither am I but people think we are a free for all and with having kids at home I can't afford to a.) lose my wife b.) raise my children alone and c.) live a life without my best friend. I looked over at my perfect wife, her hair laid perfectly straight on her shoulders as we began to walk the carpet and although we were both nominated for three awards each we were not hopeful for the wins as the interviews went fast and Ryan Seacreast made us both laugh as he found an old video of Taylor talking about shaking it off in 2008. We laughed so hard and by the time we got to ELLEN we really didn't care about what people thought, we were there to have fun. Reaching the end of the carpet was where the night went downhill. I watched her leave me briefly to speak to Lorde who was casually hanging out with her mum and then move onto greeting Sam Smith to which I went and joined her by slipping my hands around her waist. "Oi Ed get those hands above waist height..." a British voice called from behind. I turned suddenly and felt Taylor freeze as I did. Standing there dressed in a black, strapless, sleeveless Oscar De La Renta gown was my ex-girlfriend Ellie Goulding, her and Taylor used to be friends but apparently they never got over Niall and Ellie sleeping together whilst she was with me. I smiled at the memory of them fighting over the phone as Taylor called Ellie an "immature British slag" and Ellie called Taylor a "boyfriend stealing slut" to which didn't go down at all with me because at that point Taylor was having issues with media. "What do you want Ellie?" I sighed as I turned to face her, leaving my hand laced in Taylor's. "Nothing Ed, want to come hang out with a real person?" she sneered as she stared at Taylor who was avoiding her. I kissed Taylor's cheek and turned to see Ellie smiling like she had already won. "Sorry but no Ellie, my wife and I are sitting front row. So if you would excuse us we should find our seats." I watched as her mouth moved in shock and horror before saying.                     "You're married?" Then it was my mouth's turn to drop I mean come on who didn't know Taylor and I were married by now? It had been documented everywhere. "Yes, I am. I have two kids as well." I state proudly showing the picture of Ellie and James in my wallet. I felt Taylor's hand press mine as I pulled her towards the seating area while Ellie chose to sneer and say, "So slapper Taylor won you over as well...typical." I turned and faced Ellie before saying, "Good seeing you again Ellie, have a nice night." I breathed a sigh of relief the further away from her we moved as I knew she was half of the problem with the Grammy's this year. Pulling my wife to me I kissed her on the lips as her arms laced around my neck, I could feel the camera shutters everywhere because this kiss would be worth hundreds of thousands tomorrow but I didn't care. I wanted everyone to know that Taylor was mine and no one would hurt her ever again.

Taylor's P.O.V

The after party was off the hook! People in one corner doing drugs the other corner having 'subtle sex' and then there was Ed and I, gingerly sitting on one of the couches that was around but worried about what had been there before us. All of a sudden Ed laughed, "What's wrong Ed?" His blue eyes met mine as they sparkled. "Nothing I'm just sitting here thinking, why are we here? We have two kids at home with Karlie and Josh who I miss and this isn't our lifestyle anymore." I dragged his collar into me. "Thank god you agree." I claimed before pressing our lips together whilst feeling myself melt into his arms. We stood up in a hurry as Ed led us through the crowd. We were almost out the door when trouble struck again in the form of Ellie Goulding. "Oh Taywhore...I didn't see you there. Heading out are we?" She questioned as I looked to Ed who pulled my arm and as I walked out the door I turned and said, "Actually we are. Kids at home." Before turning back and following Ed who pulled me tight and whispered into my ear, "My woman is such a pro..." I giggled but that faded as the ground seemed to swallow me up.

Karlie's P.O.V

I could understand perfectly why Taylor loved her kids so much, they were perfect angels. Ed and Taylor hadn't been gone long when James went to bed in his nursery which was superhero designed and it was so cute. Ellie woke a few times mostly just wanting cuddles but on was a nappy change. I made Josh do it, he came back frowning before turning and saying; "I want kids Karlie." My mouth dropped open in shock as he sat down, encasing my small hands with his manly ones as my mouth opened and closed in shock. 'He wanted what?'

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