Keeping secrets?

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Taylor’s P.O.V

It was 4.15pm Nashville time, Ed and I were seated in Vanderbilt Medical Centre waiting to be taken for the scan that would determine if Ed and I were buying superheroes or princesses. Secretly I hoped for superheroes for the simple reason of I wanted to have more children one day and an older brother would be great so I could have a girl down the track but as I was sitting with Ed he all of a sudden said. “I hope it’s a girl.” I whipped my head around to face him as he took my hand and held it, “really? I thought that you would want to be playing with trucks and in the mud and stuff.” I pointed out, I had been expecting us both to want a boy. He shook his head, “no a boy who looks exactly like you would be weird so I’m hoping you’re having a mini-Taylor.” To be honest I hadn’t thought about what the baby would look like, I assumed they all looked similar but upon pulling out my phone and searching online I found that babies and their parents shared common facial features and other features like hair colour and eye colour. Showing Ed he turned and saw me start to freak out about the baby looking like Jake. “Hey, take it easy. This baby will be an exact replica of you no matter the sex, and to be honest the only way people will know it’s Jake’s is if the baby is born with a huge head and brown straight hair, but I’m betting this one is going to be a blonde curly hair, blue eyed bundle of joy exactly like you.” He stated placing my hands on my bump lovingly then pressing a kiss to my forehead.  “Now that I thought about it a girl sounded perfect a little baby Sheeran… oh my god did I just say that?” Ed smiled and kissed me again.
“Yes love you did, and it sounds perfect because I plan to marry you before this little one is here.”
“Oh Ed you can’t.” I state.
“Why not?” he pressed as I spluttered.
“B-b-because…I don’t know.”
“Exactly, we are both adults we don’t share DNA we love each other and we should get married.”
“B-but Eddd…” I stated playfully pouting. He didn’t get a chance to say a word as the nurse called us in. Thirty minutes later we emerged, totally happy because our baby was healthy.

Ed’s P.O.V

We had been back at the house for a few hours after the appointment and every five minutes or so I had to get the sonogram out of my pocket just to check that it was really there. That this was real, hugging the picture close I smiled and pulled out my phone to call my parents. ‘BRING, BRING…’ the call was connecting as my palms began to sweat, I don’t know why I was nervous but I was terrified that they wouldn’t support me or appreciate Taylor. “Hello…” a British accent stated from the end of the line, “hey mum, it’s me Ed. How are you and dad doing?”
“Ed, oh my goodness, well we are lovely thank-you. How are you doing in America? Have you told that special girl how you feel?” mum questioned me further having met Taylor before.
“Actually that’s what I’m calling about. Do you have time?” I ask and I see Taylor walk into the room, turning to face her I kiss her and she says, “Go upstairs.” I nod and make my way up as mum confirms she has time. I take a deep breath and start from the beginning.

 Forty minutes later…

 “Really, four months pregnant?” Mum questions again.
“Yep, but like I said, I’m here for her and nothing anyone says will ever change how I feel about Taylor. This baby is more of her to love.” I gush.
“Oh I agree Ed, I’m very proud and I support your relationship but I can’t wait to meet the little guy or girl.” Ed smiled and brought out the sonogram again. Starting at it he couldn’t wait for the next six months to fly by. “Me either mum, I can’t wait.” I hang up the phone and place it in my pocket while I get out the sonogram again, lying back on Taylor’s bed that we shared the previous night I didn’t even hear her come in. “Hey Ed, what are you up to?” Taylor questions as she lies next to me, I drag her closer and show her the sonogram, “looking at this.”
“Oh Ed, seriously there are five months to go still.” She exclaims whilst smiling. I leant down and kissed her lips. “I know but I can’t believe that this is in there and will soon be born as a baby.” I state gesturing to her bump. She nods and smiles before saying. “I know it’s weird. So I was going to say do we want to tell my parents the sex tonight or keep it to ourselves?” I smile as I watch her.
“I actually ordered a cake from the bakery down the block, they are going to make the cake and the sex of the baby is on the inside and it will be coated in chocolate. So the cake will be blue for a boy or pink for a girl.” I said as I talked and then Taylor smiled and kissed my jaw.
“Sounds perfect Ed, are you picking it up?”
“No it’s being delivered at 6.00pm.” Taylor looked at the clock. 5.56pm. I then sat up and heard the doorbell so I ran to answer it before Andrea or Scott. Smiling I placed it in the pantry and said it was for desert. Smirking at Taylor who was standing in the doorway, she smiled and we both laughed.

Taylor’s P.O.V

My mom had outdone herself again, that was one of the best meals I have had since becoming pregnant but mom’s cooking was the best. I sent Ed to get the cake and dad got a knife as we all stood around the countertop in the kitchen, passing the knife to me I handed it to mom and said, “you and dad have to cut it, since we already know the sex.” Ed smiles and places the cake down before coming and standing behind me and putting his hands on the bump. “Okay Taylor.” Mom stated as her and dad placed a hand each on the handle and dragged it downwards. The cake was made so perfectly that you still couldn’t tell the sex so they dragged it out as a piece of pink cake fell out. “Oh my god Taylor, it’s a girl?” my mom questioned. I only nodded as Ed kissed my cheek and we laughed. “That’s amazing honey. I’m so excited and so proud.” I instantly looked to my dad who had tears in his eyes as he said, “That’s your baby Taylor, your own baby girl. You were and are my baby girl but this one will be yours. I love you Taylor.”
“I love you too dad.” I state going to hug him close. Ed then joined me as everyone ate a piece of cake however as I looked at Ed and he looked at me I knew right then and there that everything was going perfect and nothing could stand in my way.

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