Welcome Home James

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Ed's P.O.V

I drove carefully back through the streets of Nashville, passing Music Row and the record companies that lined the streets and I couldn't help but smile. Time spent with her just seemed to fly and now we have two kids and we are hoping to have more I just love her more. I glance to the passenger seat where Taylor sits twisting her hands in her lap, something she does often when nervous and I laugh. I watch as her head turns as quick as anything and says, "What are you laughing at Ed?" I watch her face and smile. "You Taylor, you're nervous." She smiles a little and takes a deep breath as I stop at a red light before speaking. "What if I'm not a good mother, what if I can't do this Ed? What if I can't mother two children properly?" I drive through the light before pulling into the driveway, watching her closely. As I push the button to open the garage door I say, "Just wait a minute Tay." She nods and as the door closes I get out and walk around to her side of the car. Opening it I offer her my hand. "You're such a gentleman Ed." She states as I lead her to the back of the Highlander. I open the door and gently drag her in-front of me so she is watching the kids sleep peacefully. "Look at that babe, those are our children. Sure we could mess up but you will never have to do this on your own. I will always be here to do whatever you need me to do because I love you." Her eyes flash to mine as she says, "B-b-but..." I shake my head at her before pressing a finger to her lips to silence her. "I love you Taylor Alison Sheeran and I love our kids, James John Sheeran and Ellie Grace Sheeran. But most importantly I love the most influential person in their little lives, their mother and that's you Taylor." I state as I wrap my arms around her from behind. "I love you babe and no one will ever change that." I sway us slightly as we watch our kids sleep peacefully. Taylor turns in my arms and kisses me softly; her fingers mesh with my ginger hair at the back of my head as my fingers grip her slender hips. "Let's bath our children Mr Sheeran." She states as I smile and say,                                                  "Which one do you want?" Her blue eyes sparkle as Ellie wakes and begins to cry which in turn wakes James. Taylor looks at me and simply says, "Ellie, I'll take Ellie." I nod and walk around to get James and his bag of clothing we got from the hospital that should last us a few days but I know Taylor will be out tomorrow with Andrea shopping up a storm. We were lucky that we had already brought a porta-cot for Ellie on tour that hadn't been used so we could set James up in that until we got another room sorted for his nursery. We didn't know if he was walking yet or crawling or if he could speak words. So it would be a waiting game but as I met Taylor in bed two hours later I knew that life was working out pretty great. I looked down to Taylor on my chest and started to think about the last year of my life.

Taylor's P.O.V

Crawling into bed at 9.54am never felt so good in my life. We had arrived home shortly after 8.30am and after breastfeeding Ellie and bathing her I was exhausted. I had left Ed to handle James and he only came into the bedroom once to ask me to hold James whilst he set up the porta-cot for him to sleep in until we sorted out another nursery, which excited me because a new baby meant shopping and I loved shopping but first I knew we had to tell my parents, which would be the job for this afternoon. Ed came back at 10.26am and took James who had fallen asleep on me, his small fists balled up on my shirt, it looked cute. He never said two words to me, nor did he look to crawl away or walk away so I wasn't sure how advanced he was with his milestones but either way I didn't care. He was adorable and he needed us. It took Ed all of about ten minutes to get him to sleep and come to bed. He walked in and practically fell onto the bed. Clambering under the sheets I moved to lie on his chest. Placing my head on his heart I could hear the erythematic thumping sooth my tired body as I drifted off to sleep on-top of my husband.

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