Hero's Something

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"See... you now have a Something."

"A something...?

"I can see it..."

"Don't you see it...?"

"...I think I saw it..."

"Aren't you scared...?"

Hero tries to run from Basil because he was really worried.

"DON'T RUN... I'M WORRIED!!" Basil said. "I... we don't want to be alone without you..."

"Me... neither..." Hero's voice broke and replied.


"Without Mari... it's different..."

"Without Sunny, it's also different..."

"Hate me all you want Basil, it was my fault that Sunny died." Hero finally spit out his something he didn't want one of his friends to know.

"H-Huh..." Basil said.


Oh no... what do I do...

"Basil... forget I said anything."

"So you're ok?

"I'm fine Basil... just don't worry.."

Hero just left Basil and Basil then left.

Hero... are you really ok...?

The next day...

"Good morning everyone!" Kel said. "I brang cookies for breakfast-"

"Kel what-" Aubrey said. W-What's with the cookies?"

"What? Hero woke up and left early and Sunny's dead! Who's gonna cook now!?"

"Don't tell me you actually made the cookies by yourself."

"I did. Try it!"

"Good morning guys!"

"Oh hi Basil!"

Basil comes with a picnic basket.

"What's with the picnic basket?" Kel said.

"Well... I was making breakfast!" Basil said. "I made so much toast..."



"Hey Basil, did you see Hero lately?"

"I did, yesterday."

"Basil, what happened to Hero? "Aubrey said. "I want to know."

"I don't know. All he said to me was that he's ok." Basil replied.

"Basil, he's lying..."

"I know that, but-"

"Hey guys!"

"Hello Mari!"

"I brought a lot of stuff for breakfast..." She said "What are guys talking about?"

"We were talking about Basil's breakfast!" Aubrey (Real world) replied.

"Your Basil made breakfast?" Kel (Dreamworld) said. "You guys have the best friends in backup!"

"I know right?" Kel (Real world) said.

"WHAT DID YOU MAKE?" Kel (Dreamworld) asked Basil (Real world).

"Toast... and only toast." Basil (Real world) replied.

Hero (Dreamworld) noticed that his clone wasn't there again. He knew that he would drop out on the next picnic because of his feelings and trauma.

"What happened to your Hero?" Hero (Dreamworld) asked. "Did he drop out again?"

"Hero..." Basil (Real world) said. "Yesterday I encountered him."

"Explain it in more detail."

"Hero... yesterday... he was so scared... he tried to run away from me..."

"He did?"

"Yeah... he also had a lot of pain in his eyes... and something was bothering him..."

"It's probably Mari." Aubrey (Real world) said.

"Hi guys, sorry I'm late. I had to do a therapy session." Omori finally appears. "What's going on?"

"Hero still dropped out of the picnic." Aubrey (Real world) replied.

"That's too bad..."

"We hope he's ok..."

"Well, let's eat!"

A few minutes later...

"You know... I'm going to talk to Hero. See you later." Kel (Real world) ran off to find Hero (Real world).

The question was... when will he return...?

Hero (Real world) POV

What did Basil mean by "Something bothering me"...?

I don't get it at all... it just keeps me from meeting my friends... I mean, I spied on their picnic and heard Basil saying...

Hero... yesterday... he was so scared... he tried to run away from me...

He also had a lot of pain in his eyes... and something was bothering him...

And my other concern is...

She didn't commit suicide.

I killed her.

I pushed her down the stairs with anger... on accident.

Why can't I stop thinking about Sunny...?



Just when I turned around...

Wait... why is Kel here... I want to be alone, seriously!!

I tried to run from him, but when I actually did...

"Hold on a second you're not leaving..."

I still tried to make him let go of me.

"Please bro, we're all worried about you. You kept dropping out of our picnics..."





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