I'll kill you... you MURDERER!!!!

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The next day...

For breakfast, the 5 friends have Bacon and Eggs made by Sunny and Hero, again.

"Kel, this time, you definitely told them to collaborate besides Aubrey, right?" Basil said.

"What- no! How would I know if Hero left early!?" Kel noticed that he left early.

"He left early?" Aubrey said. "I didn't even notice."

"He did."

"Then do you know where he is?"



"Hey guys, sorry I'm late..." Hero finally approaches.

"THERE YOU ARE....." Kel said. "I have been looking for you!"

"Did I take too long?"

"You did."

"Ahaha... sorry Kel!"

"I was using the bathroom."

"Glad you actually told the truth of your toilet not being clogged." Sunny interrupted Hero and Kel's conversation.

"Don't forget we're also in the same cabin as Hero, Sunny." Aubrey said.

"Oops..." Sunny said. "M-My bad."

They kept talking about what they like to do. The only one that hadn't said anything, was Hero.

We're the only ones that know... right, Sunny?

It's nothing Bro! Just forget about what I said!

I'll tell him... privately.

Those were the things that popped up in his head. Suddenly, he dozed off without a doubt.

"Is Hero ok?" Basil asked,

"Oh my god your right." Sunny realized Hero dozed off and never said a word. "I wonder if he overheard out conversation about the truth."

There it is... that word again... the truth.

"Sunny maybe you should tell him."

"Good idea."

Sunny walked up to Hero.

"Hey... I want to talk to you privately." He said.

Hero accepted his offer with, "Sure.". Both went to Sunny's cabin and that's when it happened.

Hero POV

What does he want wtih me...

"So... you overheard us right?" Sunny stared at me and asked.

"Y-Yeah... I did." I replied.

"Well... About Mari's death..."

"She... she didn't commit suicide."

"Wait what-"

Mari didn't commit suicide?

I was pretty confused myself on what Sunny said.

She didn't commit suicide.

"Then what..." I said. "How did Mari die?"

"...........I killed her." Sunny said with his voice breaking. "I pushed her down the stairs with anger... on accident."

He... killed... Mari...

How dare you...



Original storyline POV

30 minutes has passed since Hero and Sunny talked. Basil went to check on Sunny and Hero, but then returned with a shocked face.

"G-Guys..." Basil said. "It's... bad...."

"What happened!?" Aubrey was wondering what the commotion was about when Basil said it's bad.

"It's Hero... and Sunny..." They're fighting!!"

"WHAT!?" Kel finds out. "But why!?"

"Sunny told the truth about Mari to Hero, I think." Basil replied to Kel. "DO SOMETHING!! We don't want him to get into another outrage!"

Everyone heads to Sunny's cabin.

Hero POV

"Why... why did you kill her!?" I yelled at Sunny with a traumatizing face.

"It was an accident I swear-" I cut Sunny off and didn't let him finish.

"You murdered her Sunny!"

"You murdered her with your own hands!!"

"Accept the truth, Hero."

Just when I found out Sunny killed Mari, it hit me. This entire time, I thought I could hold it in and forgive him, but instead, I snapped. I couldn't hold it in any longer.

"No.. I can't accept it." I replied.

"What?" Sunny was wondering why I couldn't accept it.

"I'll kill you..."

"Hero please..."


"Calm down!!"

"Or I'll accept your outrage."

"Let's 1v1 each other!"

I tried to attack Sunny many times, but my mind has been full of emotions.

Stop this outrage...

You know what you did to Sunny the last time...

You don't want to send him to the hospital again...

Control yourself!!!

Original storyline POV

"SUNNY, HERO!!!" Kel came to stop Hero's outrage with his friends backing him up. Once everyone entered Sunny's cabin. Sunny was unharmed and Hero was bleeding on his left hand.

Hero ran out of Sunny's cabin with a face no one noticed.

"Sunny are you ok?" Basil asked his best friend.

"I'm fine." Sunny replied.

The next day...

"Where's Sunny?" Aubrey asked.

"We're forgetting someone..." Kel said. "Hero's also missing!"

"Where are they both?"

"Sunny... died."

"WHAT-" Basil was shocked.

"Hero... last night... he got depressed."


"He didn't say a word to me, but cried."

"How awful..." Aubrey was worried about Hero. "I hope Sunny is doing great in Heaven..."

"Oh hey, you set up a picnic! Mind if we join you guys?"

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