nicely dressed♨️ [1/2]

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Context for this- Dream in a dress... Topnap - Bottomream.

Sapnap was out doing some errands, So Dream was bored, alone is the shared house they both live in, Dream has many times cross dressed, but never around Sapnap. Dream descided  why not and changed into  a Dress Dirsta jokly got for him, It was a pastel Green dress that looked kinda maid like features, has some fishnets  out of the sleeves and out of the bottom of the Dress.

He was looking at himself in the mirror, he thought he looked hot as fuck, he was twirling around amiring himself in the dress.

He didn't hear it but the front door opened, Sapnap sat down his things looking around for his roomate, he figured he probably  was in his bedroom or recording room, so he went to check  upstairs  noticing Dreams bedroom door half open and he slipped in seeing his tall as fuck Roomate in dress, but didn't really mind it, he leaned on the wall just out of view admiring the boy.

Dream turned around not seeing him, but he felt like someone was there "s..sapnap?" He muttered.

"God damn you are hot" Sapnap said walking in view of Dream.

"S..shit  you wornt supposed to know I crossdress" Dream muttered "w..wait really, I think so to".

"Mmm don't be embressed  around me Dreamie your so fucking hot right now" Sapnap said grabbing Dreams hips.

They both never showed the fact they were homosexual, but it really has come to plain sight  at this moment.

"You already said that~ now what excally  you thinking in that pretty little head" Dream said smirking at the boy who was a bit shorter then him.

Sapnap quickly pinned Dream to the wall tighting his grip as he  closed space a bit, they were a inch apart.

"Mmm~ you dress so nicely~ does Dreamie want me~?" Sapnap said sudactively.

Dream just nodded as Sapnap pushed his lip roughly into Dreams, soon deeping it, Sapnap started to suck Dreams tongue to make him moan, succeeding, then breaking apart breathing heavily.

Dream looked down at the boy as he was moved on his bed, with Sapnap on him.

Dream gaided Sapnaps left hand under the skirt of his Dress on his thigh leaving him to do as he wishes, Sapnap instly started to rub his thigh. As he went in for yet another kiss. Resulting  in them aggressively making out. The two were like beasts, but soon broke out due to air.

Sapnap instaly smirked when they broke apart "Oh your even wearing fishnets hm~? Damn your making  me so horeny at this moment" Sapnap whispered.

"Oh Sappy~ go right ahead" Dream said smirking as Sapnap took his arms  and pinned them above his head.

"Really now? You really want me to ponch on you like your a pray, Babyboy~" Sapnap said he moved his hand onto Dreams dick rubbing his llightly.

Sapnap wanted to give Dream the best enjoyment  possible, let Dream know there's no need to be embressed  around him, be who he really is around him.

"Your the top in this situation do as you please" Dream said over flirty moveing his arms around Sapnaps neck.

Sapnap moved his fingures to Dreams month "Spit" Sapnap said as Dream coughed his figures in Slavia.

Soon Sapnap thought there was ehnogh spit he removed the fishnets and boxers Dream had on with his other hand, lifting his tall roommates head up lightly as his stuck two figures into Dreams smile walls.

"Augh~" Dream moaned out.

Sapnap contuied to figures  him as he also took Dreams cock info his mouth sucking  it roughly and hard.

"F..fuck!" Dream moaned out.

All the moans were music to Sapnaps ears as he added the third fingure in the hole curling them up words hitting the prusatuit.

"Fuck...~" Dream moaned out as he arched back melting back into place.

Sapnap kept geaceing  his fingers  along the prostuit, watching Dream melt and unmelt over and over, Slowly  takeing Dreams whole member into his mouth.

"Sa..sappy I'm close" Dream moaned out trying to pull out.

Sapnap  just bored up and down more, and sucking harder as he also Contuies to speed up figuring Dream.

Soon Dream comed in Sapnaps mouth and Sapnap took it sollowing it not wasting a single  drop as he took Dreams dick out of his mouth and fingures out of Dream.

"Ready for round two~" Sapnap whispered  sudactively  licking the come off of Dreams dick.



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