horeny teenagers♨️ [1/3]

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The trend of where Sapnap and Dream are both desperate with a twist.

Dream and Sapnap have been friends  for many many years at this point, everyone around them in there friendgroup was making fun of the two for never having there first kiss and being in 3rd year of highschool.

"I can't belive Sapnap and Dream, aperently the two hottest boys in school never had there frist kiss" Zayna said lughing.

"Whats so important  about a first kiss excally, plus you gotta find the right person" Dream said putting his arm around Sapnap shoulders, lazily dripping it on them.

"Everything and that is so fucking wrong Dream" Claire said.

Dream looked over to Sapnap, as Sapnap looked at Dream.

"Alright then, whatever you say" Dream said looking at Sapnap with a permission  look as Sapnpa nodded.

Dream swaped there prostion as Sapnap closed space, they really felt nothing spical with this as they broke apart, but Dream then quickly pinned Sapnap to the locker as Sapnaps hands went up his shirt as they went for yet another deeper kiss. This felt a little passion there as they broke apart.

"What the hell, you two really just made out infront of us" Zyana said.

"At this rate the whole school knows me and Sapnap are fuck buddies" Dream Said giving sapnap his knowing smirk.

"Oh alright babyboy~ I'll met you in our normal spot in a moment" Sapnap said as Dream went walking off to an empty  classroom.

"Stop annoying him about not having a first kiss" Sapnap said giving both the girls a look as his eyes turned red for a moment before they turned back to the dark green, then he ran after Dream.

"Jesus Sapnap is scary" Claire  said as Zayna nodded her head.

Sapnap walked in after Dream did, locking the door behind him and closing the blinds.

Sapnap pinned Dream against the wall quickly  pulling his pants down and prepping him as Dream moaned out in pleaser.

"Damn I love the sounds you make" Sapnap said over the top sudactively.

Soon Sapnap thought Dream was starched ehnogh pushing himself all the way into the taller.

"Augh~ Sapdaddy" Dream moaned out as Sapnap did rough fast thrusts straight on Dream prostitute.

"Yes~ babyboy?" Sapnap said putting his head on Dreams shoulder kissing his neck softly.

"Why are you doing so augh~ roughly this time" Dream moaned out.

"You seem to like it yes~?" Sapnap said such  as he noticed  Dreams legs becoming like jello, so he grabbing tightly onto his hips.

"Augh~ I mean I do but you never nugh~! Go this rough" Dream moaned out looking at Sapnap with lust  in the eyes.

"Mmm~ I figured I'd chnage it up a bit yes babyboy?" Sapnap said slightly blushing.

Now Sapnap knew for a fact he was gay, and he actually liked Dream, however he could never truly say that to Dream in fear it would fuck there spical bond up.

"Nugh~ S..sapdaddy i..I'm close" Dream moaned out as Sapnap bite down roughly on his neck leving a slight hickey.

"Same babyboy~ same" Sapnap said inhaling Dreams over steamlated sent.

Dream let out a loud highpiched moan as he felt Sapnap filling him with warm come, with light thrusting as well as he shot his come all over the wall.

"Augh~!" Dream moaned out putting his hands on his knees breathing heavily looking over on his shoulder at his bestfriend with sweat  on his face and alot of red.

Sapnap pulled out of Dream, hitting his ass with his dick as Dreams legs slowly cave in.

"Curse you Sapnap" Dream muttered slowly pulling up his pants as Sapnap held on to him more tightly.

"Mmmm my lovely bitchy bottom" Sapnap said lightly  snickering but yet lovely in his ear.

"You have killed my fucking  legs once more how kind of you Sapnap" Dream muttered as Sapnap kissed his cheek  lightly.

"Mmmm not my fault your moans make me more horeny Babyboy" Sapnap said smirking.

"Of course they do" Dream said unamused but yet with a slight happy felling in him.

"Come on let's get you home and cleaned up babyboy" Sapnap said picking up the boy just did, and headed  back to Dreams house.


Dream and Sapnap fuck buddies arch any takers?

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