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Dream was running  away from the Smp, sure he loved it  many pepole he loved and well befriended thanks to it.. but he lost his best friends thanks to it to... oh God he hated the egg he wanted the egg Dead.

He herd someone behind him he turns around to see his now ex bestfriend since he was 13 Sapnap.

"D..dream don't leave I need you" Sapnap said his eyes blood red.

"You ended our friendship why do you need me now?" Dream said his voice shakeing.

Sapnap sighed walking closer to the tall dirty blond pinning him to the tree.

"S..sapnap?" Dream said blushing lightly.

"I want you! After I ended the friendship I realized  I couldn't live without you!" Sapnap said breathing hot air on the dirty blonds neck making him whimper.

"S...sapnap I've always liked you alot more then I a friend if this  is where you going with this-" Dream said softly.

"Yes that's where I'm going with this your dirty blond oof" Sapnap said grabbing  the dirty blonds leg dipping him down.

Dream just turned red he never saw his bestfriend so dominant.. he always wanted to see it though.

"I love you  so damn much, I want you.. I need you.. and more then a damn friend or I'm going to  go insane" Sapnap said going to Dreams neck marking it.

"You can have me Sappy, I'm all yours!" Dream whimpered out.

Sapnap giggled as he pushed Dream to the floor pinning him, his eyes turning back to midnight green marking Dreams neck Dream doing nothing  to stop it, just accepting whatever Sapnap wanted  to do to him.

"You are so adorble" Sapnap said softly as Dreams arms his neck.

"You are hot as hell" Dream said softly as Sapnap picked him up.

Sapnap carried him back to the smp place, Dream just asleep on him.

"You found him?? How the hell" Quackity  said.

"Went to the spot where we hid in as kids" Sapnap said looking at the boy who was peacefully asleep on his shoulder  as he sat down on one of the logs around the fire Dream in his lap.

"So you knew exactly where he was" Bad said.

"I mean I had to tackle him he kept running" Sapnao said as Dream  shifted arms now around his waist.

Karl and Quackity ovisolsy  jealous of what's going on with there feanice and Dream.

"Why did you go out with red eyes but come back with your normal eye color?" Karl questioned.

Sapnap went quite "w..well you see my red eyes are something that let me track him down" Sapnap lied.

They couldn't know what really haven't in the forest... or he'd be known as a cheater..

"Oh so you and Dream  have red eyes that can track one another? Cool!" Mar said very sarcastic.

Now she knew Sapnap was a yandere, most likely for Dream but was gonna respect Sapnap and not tell anyone.

"Well imma take him to his house, I'll see you guys tomrrow" Sapnap said picking up Dream.

- at Dreams house -

They went in Sapnap locked the door closing the blinds behind him making sure Noone could see, turning off the teleportation allowing things for them both.

Sapnap carried Dream to the couch, putting him on his chest cuddling him, Dream soon woke up kissing Sapnap on the lips, instaly getting  kissed back.

Just Love ^Dreamnap Oneshots^[ended]Where stories live. Discover now