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*:・゚✧*:・゚✧✧・゚: *✧・゚:* 

Sapnap and Dream were doing a lore stream where they hate echother.

"No Dream... this can't go on" Sapnap said in a fake angry voice.

"S..sap no I can't lose you to.. I lost everything and everyone  I ever cared about" Dream said as he sounded like he was about to cry.

"Dream you've became a monster, you hurt everyone even George for God sake, I can't be friends with someone who hurts there own bestfriend" Sapnap said.

Sapnap hated to do this for streams, he Honstly couldn't imagine losing Dream, Dream was his love of his life.

"No..Sapnap please...everything has went wrong since after the wedding" Dream said his avatar falling to the ground, Dreams voice shakeing.

Dream was a great actor but this was hurting Sapnaps heart, they have been doing this for 3 hours now.

"Alright stream that it for the lore stream" Sapnap annocned ending stream."I'm comeing to your room baby".

"W...what no do-" Dream tried to protest as Sapnap left the discord call, so he left to.

Next thing Dream knew he was engulfed in a giant panda hug and carried to his bed.

"Oh babe hated that lore stream~ because he can't love without his tall dirty blond"  Dream tesed  the raven  haired boyfriend.

"Oh shut up, baby you are mine and I hate faking like we hate echother" Sapnap said pulling the dirty blond closer to him kissing  his forehead.

Dream loved this side of Sapnap, his soft clingy protective boyfriend  personality, it's so adorble. "The dreamnap shipers cereantly are in luck" Dream said.

"Most diffently baby" Sapnap said kissing the neck of Dreams softly.

Dream let out a soft moan, he loved when Sapnaps lips touched  his sentive neck with those beautiful deacate soft lips of his.

"Mmm my pretty boy" Sapnap whispered  in Dreams ear breathing hot air on Dreams neck, Dream placing his leg over Sapnaps.

"Yes I'm yours and only  yours babe, and it will stay like that" Dream said smirking.

"I like the sounds of that just like I like your pretty moans" Sapnap said breathing hot air on Dreams neck still.

Dream rolled his eyes, but move his head to lay in Sapnaps chest, Sapnaps arm wrapping  around his waist and a hand rubbing his back lightly and pulling his boyfriend closer looking into his boyfriends iridescent green eyes melting in them having the best felling of love he ever felt  and only Dream  could make him fell, none of his exs ever made Sapnap want to get down on one knee popping that pretty question from the day the relationship started with his wonderful  bestfriend at that time, but now Dream was his and he plans to make Dream his last.

"Love you babe" Dream whispered loving looking into Sapnaps midnight green eyes.

"Love you to baby " Sapnap said kissing Dream softly on the lips.

Sapnap slid his hand up his boyfriends hoodie rubbing the brusies he gave Dream the night before, he broke apart the kiss smiling at his boyfriend, no one really knew there actual relationship was dating, they thought they were flirty best friends, that is ovisolsy  utterly  false, he wouldn't  be absolutely recking  Dream if he was just a flirty  bestfriend.

Sapnap looked down realizing his boyfriend was snuggled up in his hoodie, he found that adorable, he loved when Dream was found in his hoodie, he loved Dream being his polar oppsite offline with him, online Dream was know as a Stuborn jackass  who doesn't care if others are in pain, we Sapnap offline he was soft, careing and extremely cuddly.
*:・゚✧*:・゚✧✧・゚: *✧・゚:* 
There offline/online Dreamnap

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