emoboy♨️[maybe-own book]

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Top- Sap

Bottom - Dream

Horney and bold Sapnappi.

"Hey emo boy~" Dream would tease the raven haired boy.

Sapnap looked at the dirty blond 'oh he's a hottie' Sapnap thought.

"Yes? What do you need pretty boy~ aren't you a little to pretty for the emo boy" Sapnap teased the boy.

Making the dirty blond heat up covering in blush 'damn that makes him look even more hot'.

Sapnap walked closer to the dirty blond pinning him on the locker "I wouldn't tease me unless you don't wanna walk baby" Sapnap whispered in the boys ear.

"Mm is the emo boy attracted to me" Dream muttered.

"Dont know am I baby" Sapnap whispered relasing the boy and winking at him before walking off.

He look over his shoulder to see kids making fun of the boy for somereson.

"Dude I can't belive your blushing over the emo boy" A boy said lughing.

The kid just walk away oppsite from Sapnap pulling his hoodie over him.

Weeks go by and Sapnap got annoyed with Dreams teasing.

"Listen baby met me in the north wing in 30 minutes" Sapnap whispered into the dirty blonds ear sudactively.

Dream grabed the raven haired boy bending down to the ear "now why would I do that hm~? He whispered in the boys ear.

Sapnap grabed the boys head kissing him softly on the lips "if you want more you will met me baby" he whispered in the boys ear.

Sapnap walked off to the north wing as the tall boy was processing what just happend 'the emo boy kissed me?'.

- when they met -

Dream descided to met the boy when he reached the north wing he was pulled into a dark room.

"Ah do somebody wanted more from the emo boy~ so what is the pretty boys name" Sapnap said pulling the dirty blond on his lap with his already hard cock on his ass.

"D..dream" Dream whimpered out felling Saps buldge on his ass.

"Mmm~ well Dream you are very pretty~ my name is Sapnap baby" Sapnap said rubbing his bulge on the dirty blonds ass.

"Fuck~ what is the emo boy wanting from me" Dream moaned out.

"Oh baby~ don't worry I don't nothing inherently bad with you" Sapnap said putting a hand on Dreams cheek teseing his neck with with his soft lips.

"Augh~" Dream moaned at the teseing.

"Mmm~ you sound pretty when you moan, now only if it was my name" Sapnap said sliding his hand down Dreams sweatpants.

"S..sapnap Augh~" Dream moaned out with some whimpers.

Sapnap looked at the boy "mmm so your already leaking for me baby" Sapanap said feeling the wet boxers of dream.

"S..sapnap stop.. just augh~" Dream moaned out as Sapnap started petting his dick through the boxers.

"No you don't tell me what to do baby~ we do what I want this is my revenge for teaseing me, my time baby" Sapnap said moving the dirty blond to face him completely.

Dream was just whimpering Sapnap was loving what he could make the dirty blond sound like.

"S..sapnap please!" Dream moaned out.

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