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Top Sapnap bottom Dream
Dream was in his dorm, horney as hell, he thought his bestfirned and roomate Sapnap was not in, so he desicde to hide in his room and pump his dick, whimpering, moans among grones could be herd from the dirty blond. For some reason he started thinking about lude ideas that he and Sapnap could do togather, as he thought about it he grew closer and closer to his climax, and when he got close he "Sapnap" he moaned.

White liquid came flowing  out of his dick, all over his hand as he moaned out his roommates name once more with whimpers.

- Sap pov -

I walk into the main room passing his room, he herd Dream moaning not to mentioned his name, and well he didn't mind but it certainly made me want him more then I normally wanted him, truth be told I've always liked him. I came up with a plan.

- 3rd pov -

Dream walked out of the room going over to the cabinet looking something to snack on as his roommate came up behind him hugging him from  his waist.

"Y'know you sound adorable when your moaning~" Sapnap whispered into Dreams ear.

"H..huh you were here..." Dream just getting red from emberessement.

"I mean I walked in hearing someone moan all pretty~ moaning my name" Sapnap said rubbing his hard dick on Dreams ass.

"S..sapnap" Dream moaned out lightly.

"You know if you wanted me to put my dick inside you~ I wouldn't mind" Sapnap said in a sudactive tone reaching up for Dreams hair playing with lightly. "I would love to have it up there if I'm being honest".

"Mmm really now~?" Dream said grabbing Saps chin.

"Mmm~ I bet you fell good" Sapnap whispered sudactively.

"Just because I moaned your name doesn't mean shit" Dream said pulling Sap off, and walking off.

"Mmmm what a stubborn boy, I don't like that attitude" Sapnap said grabbing  Dreams arm pinning him to the contour.

"W..what the fuck!" Dream said heating up with blush, and half hard.

"Oh~ so you moan name and you were masterbateing~ so you were thinking of me~probably something lude" Sapnap whispered rubbing his baldge on Dreams ass little more fast as the taller.

"A..augh~! Fuck Sapnap" Dream moaned out as Sapnap grabed the boys hips.

"Mmm~ there is what I want to hear, you moaning my name...I love it coming out of your mouth like this" Sapnap said looking at Dream with a permission look.

"Augh~! S..sapnap fine you win I was thinking of all the things you could do to me" Dream moaned out.

The shorter flipped the taller around lifting his leg up "mmm~ so you did want me~" Sapnap said dipping Dream down under him. "Well I want you to baby".

Dreams arms went around Sapnaps neck "but first I need permission from you" Sapnap said with a dark smile.

"You have it~ you have my permission to mess me up Sappy" Dream moaned out, as Sapnap played with his dick.

Sapnap kissed the Dirty blond, slowly pushing him over the kitchen chair, in a heated make out session, before they broke apart.

"I'll be back don't move baby" Sapnap said  sudactively with a finger  nail over Dreams hard dick.

Sapnap walked off to his room returning with lube, opening the lid putting on the table as he pulled Dreams pants and boxers down.

"Fuck baby~ your already leaking for me" Sapnap purred into Dreams ear petting Dream wet member.

Sapnap lubed his fingers pushing one in to Dream "F..fuck!" Dream moaned out in pain.

"S..shit sorry baby did it hurt~?  Sapnap said worried he hurt his bestfriend.

"I just never had Somebody's fingers up there~" Dream said.

"Mmm~ don't worry you'll love it soon" Sapnap said with a low grone sliding  his 2ed finger in.

He started to scissor the moaning dirty blond moaning, making Sapnap hornier  and hornire adding the 3rd finger. He contuied to strach Dream for a bit utterly he gave up.

Sapnap undressed himself lobbing his dick, before linning up "ready baby~" Sapnap said.

"Y..yes hell y-" Dream moaned out as Sapnap pushed in all the waiting for Dream to adjust to the straching.

"Mmm how that fell baby" Sapnap said with a light grone.

"F..fuck your bigger then I expected" Dream moaned as he adjusted.

"Mmm~ 11 inches it's all yours baby" Sapnap said sudactively in the dirty blonds ear.

"Augh~!" Dream moaned out moveing himself on Sapnap.

"Baby let me do it" Sapnap said moaning as he explored Dreams hole looking for that spot.

Sapnap found it graceing lightly with his dick, resting his head on the dirty blond.

"Augh fuck~! Again r..right there Sap" Dream moaned out in pure pleaser.

Sapnap pulled out ramming right into that spot over and over again, abusing Dreams prostitute.

"I..I'm close~! Fuck" Dream moaned out grabbing  hard onto the table cloth.

'hot' Sapnap thought.

"Mmm~ wait baby" Sapnap moaned out.

Sapnap kept hitting that spot making Dream scream his name.

"Fuck" Sapnap keep bangging onto that spot as his thrusts getting slooper "stop being" he started breathing heavily "so fucking hot" Sapnap said with a loud moan relaseing in the boy riding through his high.

"C..can I come now?" Dream moaned out his dick winching from the pain.

Sapnap moved his hand on his dick "come on my hand baby".

Dream comed in Saps hand moaning loudly, as Sapnap pulled out of the older.

"Mmm you look hot when your helplessy moaning baby" Sapnap said calmly.

"You fell good in me" Dream said  looking at the dark haired boy.

"Babyyy you're so hot I wanted to do that for so damn long, I herd you masterbateing many times" Sapnap said wellbeing into the dirty blonds ear watching his come dripped of of his ass.

"Mmm~" Dream hummed out as Sapnap hugged his waist.

"Your mine~ now" Sapnap whispered in the blonds ear as he melted into the tops embrace.


Dream horney arch🤣

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