how..☘ [2/2]

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Part two of ghost.

Mar came back an hour later with What seem to be Dream.

"Mar how the hell did you manage" Gorge  said.

"XD and Dremon owned me a favor" Mar said.

"Wheres Sappy" Dream said quietly.

"He won't come out of the bedroom" Bad said pointing at th a closed door.

"Sappy~ my love open the door" Dream said knocking on the door.

"No your not real" Sapnap screamed "I saw you die infront  of me".

"That's to be expected when I do some that literally impossible, unless you know the right pepole" Mar said.

"So now what's the next code of action" Dream asked.

"Teleport" Gorge suggested.

"Yeah" Mar aggried.

Dream telported to Sapnap the chat read.

"Hey Sappy~" Dream said sitting on the bed.

"Wait how the hell can I see you" Sapnap said not belive Dream was really there.

"I'm here Sappy Mar found a way somehow" Dream said.

"Wait what?" Sapnap said reaching out for the boy in Green. "You are here holey fuck!".

"Come here love" Dream said patting his lap.

Sapnap crawled over to the boy pulled on Dreams lap, and cuddled in the big arms of his boyfriend.

Dreams freckles in view with light blush as Sapnap slowly played with his dirty blond hair, Dreams bright neon like green eyes staring lovely at the raven haired boy that looked to be a mess.

Dream pulled and Apple out of no where giving  it to the boy that was absolutely melting on his lap, Sapnap took small nibbles as the dirty blond watched him be utterly adorble on his lap.

"You two good?" Gorge asked.

"Mhm" Dream said as the apple core dissapered out of Sapnaps hand.

Sapnap put his arms around Dreams neck "carry me baby" Sapnap said putting his head on Dreams shoulder.

Dream wasted no time picking up Sapnap and carrying him put of the room.

"Mmmm" Sapnap mubbled into Dreams neck snuggling  closer.

"Sapnap!" Bad said as his tail wagged.

"He's very clingy right now" Dream  said with a smirk.

"Mine" Sapnap mubbled clinging closer.

"Yes love" Dream giggled.

Gorge was ovisolsy jelaous of Sapnap at this moment "since when were you dating" Gorge scoffed.

"We've been dateing for years, just never showed it out of that bedroom" Dream said as Sapnal bite down on his neck.

Dream smiled at the boy, then looked over to the short Brent that was jealous "don't you plan anything I can't stand when he's crying" Dream said with venom in his voice.

"Mar tell us how you got Dreams lives reset" Bad said.

"A good magician never tells her tricks" Mar said with a smirk.

"I have an idea on what she did" Dream said looking at Mar.

"Close but not quite Dream" Mar said with a smirk.

Mar what are you hiding?

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