Chill puppy☘ [3/3]

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Part three to "Stall"

Dream and Sapnap were walking around the hallways as another beta clearly in heat ran past them, Sapnap ignores the beta that's not his, grabbing Dream and pulling him closer and protectively as they walked passed other alphas on there mate finding things, sure it did bother Sapnap other  alphas looking at his beta. Like it bothered Dream at the other horney  betas looking at his alpha.

A girl that wasent as obvious in heat bumped into Dream and Sapnap falling to the floor.

"S..sorry alpha!" The girl mubbled.

"It's fine betas can be a bit clumsy sometimes" Sapnap said giving the girl a hand to get up and helping her up.

Dream noticed the girl looking at his mate with lust and blushing intesensly at him.

"Oi he's mine" Dream said  as Sapnap noticed the girls body Lamuge.

"Prove it" the girl said.

Sapnap rolled his eyes as he grabed Dream showing there marks.

"W..what-" The girl said clearly  jealous.

The two walked away and headed to class, the girl was sitting by them, Dream had an eye on the girl as Sapnap had his hand his thigh rubbing it  gently, Dream noticed Sapnap moving the hand of the girl off of his leg.

"Antalya stop fucking putting your hand on my leg" Sapnap said growling.

Dream wanted to beat the shit out of the  girl right now but desicde to wait until they got out of class.

Dream moved his head on Sapnaps shoulder, making Sapnap smirk as his puppy being prossive of him "I'm beating the living shit out of her" he herd Dream mubbled into his nape of his neck.

"Chill puppy, I'm only yours" Sapnap whispered into his puppy's ear.

Antalya  looked at then jealously as Dream gave her a middle finger.

"Dream what the hell" the teacher said.

"She won't stop touching My alpha" Dream said as Sapnap showed there marks again.

"Antalya stop touching Dreams mate, an alphas pup will beat you up for flirting  with there alpha" The teacher scolded Antalya.

"Humpf!" Antalya said as Dream gave her a death stare.

Sapnap pulled Dream onto his lap cuddling him, as Dream put his head back on Sapnaps shoulder  licking his neck gently.

"Puppy not now" Sapnap said looking at his mate who was trying to make Antalya more jealous.

"You know good well I don't listen" Dream whispered  contuing  to lick.

"Stubbornrem is back~ mmmm" Sapnap said grinding a bit on Dreams ass.

"S..sappy not now~ fine I won't right now" Dream said with a slight raspe.

"Mmm goodboy" Sapnap said.

The bell rings and the girl grabbed  Dream when they walked out dragging him away from Sapnap and throwing him to the floor.

"Why must you get in the way of everything Dream" Antalya said pissed.

"It's not my fault it was that  time of month for us both and we mated" Dream said standing up as his alpha ran around the conner.

"Ugh yes it is! Dream you ruin everything" Antalya said slaping Drram on the face.

"You two tone bitch" Dream said his claws tracing out and alpha mark glowing  red.

Dream hit Antalya to the ground  leaving a mark  on her eye.

"Sapnap is mine, Antalya  and try this agign I'll do more then just scratch your ugly face" Dream growled as Sapnap teleported behind him grabbing Dream.

"Puppy calm the fuck down now" Sapnap said picking up Dream.

"She started it though Sappy" Dream said laying his head on Sapnaps chest  as his claws retraced slowly.

"I know puppy, I saw" Sapnap said as Dreams mark slowly  turned back to black.

"What about me?" Antalya whined wanting a Crumb of Sapnaps attention.

"You were the one that instigated his attack, first consently touching me until the teacher warned you, then dragging him away from me and slaped him" Sapnap said with a growl.

Dream looked over at Antalya "atleast you got a battle wond".

"Shut the fuck up Dream" Antalya screamed.

"No you shut up" Sapnap said growling at the beta as his beta cuddled closer to him.

Sapnap carried Dream away from the Antalya kissing Dreams cheek heading off to the Greenspace.

This is why you don't mess with a alphas beta or betas alpha my friends.

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