Tokyo Trip

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Stepping on the train and looking out the window seeing it quickly depart from home is something I never thought I'd do so quickly. Granted, I am in my third year in UA, but I thought I'd at least have time to mentally prepare. Yet, here we are. I'm on a train with my boss, in a private cart at that, who seems not the slightest bit phased by this situation. In fact, he looks happy that we're going.

'Something tells me this isn't gonna end well'

"Loosen up a bit will you? You're making me anxious" He laughs nervously, shifting in his seat a little.

"Well excuse me for being nervous about leaving my hometown for the first time for two weeks" I roll my eyes at him, my gaze returning to the window for a second, then to my bag. I carefully take out the books and notebooks I have earning a groan from him.

"Do you have to do that now?"

"Hawks, we may be going on this trip, but I'm still a student and have work to do" He pouts slightly, his gaze moving to the window. "Besides the more i get done now, the more free time I'll have these two weeks"

"Then let me help!" He grabs one of my notebooks, opening it and beginning to read through the material.

"Hawks that's....."

".....what the hell is avogadro's number and why do you have to know it"

"It's my chemistry work which you have to read the textbook for. I don't think you'll be able to help much with this stuff"

"I can! What foreign language are you taking?"

"Um english? Like everyone has to"

"I got you!" He opens up the textbook and begins writing in the notebook, making me sigh and try to pull it away from him.

"Hawks, I need to do my own work. Plus I'm not learning if you do it"

"Read this sentence" He points to the sentence and I quickly read it, and sighing

"'Those who dream by day are cognizant of many things which escape those who dream only by night.' It's a quote by Edgar Allan Poe"

"See, you're fine"

I sigh, realizing there is no winning with him and allow him to do that work while I work on math. Silence fills the air and about an hour later I manage to finish math just as he finishes english. He hands me the notebook, a smile gracing his lips, making me turn away to my bag and slap my cheeks. Deciding I would do the rest of my homework later, I clean up my stuff and turn to Hawks who takes out his computer.

"Now that we're almost there, I'll explain the situation thoroughly. Here's a map of the city. This right here is the main street. If we zoom in a bit we can see this building. It's the most important building in the city. Not only does the wealthiest business owner live there, but also we had found a trend of people going missing after entering the building. We'll be staying in a hotel in the city, which is secretly owned by the hero agency, and will only go out in our hero costumes at night to investigate. Here's a communicator device to always keep in your ear. Hold the button down to talk and never leave without it."

"So we're going to investigate the building?"

"We're going to investigate around in first, maybe even ask some people about it. We're posing as people from the country who have just been married and are in tokyo for our honeymoon"

My eyes widen slightly, my face beginning to feel warm. "Why a married couple?"

"The business owner holds a gala every year for married couples in the building and that gala is next week. However, you have to prove you're married, which is why we have these" He pulls out 2 small books, handing one to me. "These are our marriage licenses, which we'll use that day to prove we're married."

I open the small book to see a picture of myself and Hawks in wedding attire, but Hawk's appearance is slightly different, and the names are labeled Kei Nakamura and Arisa Nakamura. If I didn't know any better, I would have thought these were real. I feel him take my hand and place a gold band on my ring finger as if we were actually married. He smiles brightly, making my stomach turn slightly and my eyes to close.

'it's just a job y/n....'

"Okay, but there's one problem"

"and that is?"

"your wings Hawks. Everyone knows who you are because of your wings. How are we gonna go undercover when you have huge wings like that"

"Oh really that's an easy fix" He smirks "I can control each of my feathers, therefore, I can just send them elsewhere for the time being"

I let out a sigh, resting my head on the table, finally giving into Hawks' idea. 

"here" he hands me a box, making my head cock in confusion. "Change into these clothes before we get there and put the colored contacts in too. We have to conceal our identities after all."

I nod, making my way to the bathroom at the end of the car, staring intently at the ring on my finger.

'well it's real gold...wonder how much money the heroes spent for this....nah it probably belongs to someone'

I begin to strip and pull out the contents in the box. A short, soft yellow dress with sandals and a large sun hat. Cleaning the contacts, I pop them quickly in my eyes, making them go from a e/c color to a blood red. Finally I slip back on my gloves carefully,and put my regular clothes back in the box, stepping out to see Hawks also in regular clothing, his usual blonde hair now dyed brown and his golden orbs now a light green.

"Good you're all changed and ready. The train is about to come to a stop." He puts his hand out for me to take. "Shall we go dear?"

Taking a deep breath I take his hand, being sure to grab anything we left and carefully step out of the train once it's come to a stop. A gentle breeze blew, making my dress flow a bit, and causing me to hold my hat down. Hawks lets out a small laugh, guiding me through the station with our luggage until we get to a car. He opens the door for me allowing me to get in before be goes on the other side and sits beside me, my hand on top of his. The driver looks in his mirror and smiles at the sight of the two of us.

"Just married?" He asks

"Yup. We're here in Tokyo for our honeymoon" Hawks says, his own smile appearing on his face.

"I see, you've come at the right time then. Mr Okamura is hosting a gala for married couples next week and always has some couples he donates to. So where you you come from?"

"I came from Osaka" Hawks says quickly

"I'm actually from America" I start, quickly thinking on my feet. "I was born in Yokohama and lived there for five years before my family moved to america. I don't have a strong quirk so they decided to move"

"So how did you meet then?"

"I did a foreign exchange program in Osaka my second year of high school. We had met at school and really hit it off, and 8 years later here we are"

A/n: for this mission both you and Hawks are older

"That's a wonderful story, it's nice to see such a young couple so happy, and not worry that your quirks aren't all that great."

'if only that were true'

We continue to make small conversation as the drive continues, almost about a half hour into the city due to traffic. Eventually, we make it to our hotel, then get in our rooms and drop off our stuff, the noise of the city outside noise somehow not going through the walls. I place the box carefully under the bed and place my luggage carefully next to one of the beds. Letting out a sigh I walk to the window, placing a hand on the glass and look down at the busy city below us. Citizens walk and talk, laughing as if nothing was going on, what I would do to be able to live a carefree life like that. 

"Come on we better get a start on looking around the city for trouble. Best we get started now. We can also stop for lunch while we're out" Hawks suggests 

"Yeah you're right"

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