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H/n: hero name

H/c: Hair color, but different than the hair color you already have

N/n: Nick name

sorry updates are so slow! college this semester is so not it. I'm writing and reading so much every day it's crazy. I hope all of you are doing well if you're in school!

~a week later~

Slowly, I begin to adjust to living with Keigo and in the penthouse. Admittedly, it was a little weird at first, and feeling him so close to me made me nervous, but it feels more natural now

One thing I learned about him though, is that he needs A LOT of room when he sleeps. Those wings of his are not just for show. 

"Y/n, come" He calls for me from the living room, motioning for me to join him on the couch

"Be right there" I finish chopping up some fruit before taking it and sitting down next to him "What is it?"

"Headlines" He shows me his screen, our names in large, bold font at the top of the article. 

Rising Stars Hawks and H/n voted most valuable team in recent poll

"When did this come out?" I inquire as he takes some fruit from the plate. "Wasn't the poll like three days ago? I'm impressed they got the numbers out so quickly. Plus, we've only been working together a few months."

"This morning. My guess is we got an increased amount of votes because of that mission with the league" He sighs. "It appears you'll no longer be able to hide behind the scenes. The media is going to be right behind you now." 


"Meaning your every move is going to be watched. Be careful, they'll twist the narrative easily. Also..."

He trails off and takes a deep breath. I know what he is going to say, but I don't say anything. 

"It'll, be harder to hide our relationship" He finally finished. "It's for your own good you know? The media would tear you apart if they found out we were together. They would say things like.."

"You don't have to finish, I already know. I'm not upset we have to keep our relationship a secret, I know all this already. I'm not as naive as you think I am." I sigh before getting up and going back to the kitchen. "What do you want for dinner? I'll make something for us." 

Before he responds his phone dings and his demeanor changes. I wait for him to say something but he just gets up and puts on his jacket. 

"What's wrong? Is it a mission?"

"Something like that. I need to go talk to Endeavor. I'll be back later." He kisses me on the cheek before leaving through the elevator, silence quickly filling the penthouse. I sigh before pulling out my phone and doing a quick search on my name. Dozens of articles come up, my heart threatens to jump out of my chest.

H/n, what you need to know before the hero awards 

Young upstart H/n protects the city yet again

Hawks and H/n: the rising famous new duo 

What does it mean to be a true hero? Look at H/n

A smile paints my face as I continue to look through the articles. I never thought this day would come when my name is on the headlines, that my power is seen as something good. As I'm about to put my phone away a message comes through

Dabi: You're getting more famous little hero

Y/n: I guess so. It's kind of weird 

Dabi: Aren't you happy?

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