Chapter 11

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When we arrived, the masters had been surrounded and were about to be executed. The clones started firing on the droid army the second the doors opened. I positioned myself at the very front of them so I could act as a shield from the incoming enemy fire. Several masters boarded the ship, and within a few minutes we had taken everyone off the arena and were heading to the frontlines. Master Plo had boarded another, I could feel his presence, he was okay.

"Clone, what's the status?" Asked Master Ki-Adi-Mundi.

"Master, the troops are engaging the enemy as we spe-"

"I was not talking to you, Padawan. Let the adults speak." He berated before turning to the clone commander once again.

One of the troopers behind me, put his hand on my shoulder and squeezed. You are a part of the 104th now. I put my own hand on top of his. I was okay, it took more than a sneer from a cranky old man to get me down.

"Your men will come with me, I will lead them into the battlefield and we will press the offensive. You, Padawan," he said turning to me. "Will bring up the rear where you will be in no one's way."

"As you wish, Master."

Once again, the blast doors opened and we stepped into the battlefield. Our squadron formed up behind Master Mundi and on we went. The enemy was heavily armed and our going was not as fast as Master Ki-Adi must have expected, so he kept yelling for us to push forward. And then, the first trooper fell. I rushed to check on his vitals. He was still alive, but needed medical attention.

"Padawan, leave that clone and keep your position!" I heard Master mundi yell.

Underneath me the clone groaned, I knew what I had to do. I turned my lightsaber ona and stood over him, shielding him from enemy fire. Behind me, another squadron was making their way toward us. I only had to hold on a little longer.


"Captain," I spoke up over the noise of blasterfire. "Have the medic in your squadron take this man to the medical triage. He needs immediate assistance."

"Yes, Commander. Right away!"

When I was sure they had him, I tightened the grip on my saber and rushed ahead to my squadron. I made it to their position in no time and prevented two droids from sneaking behind them. Master Ki-Adi's formation was making the clones take more fire than they should and were quickly beginning to crumble under the pressure.

"Master Mundi we need to change the formation, the troops cannot take fire this heavy!" I said as I moved in front of a trooper to deflect a blast.

"You dare question me after disobeying my orders?" He yelled over the sound of blasters going on.

"Defeating the enemy means nothing if we lose half our forces, Master" I pressed.

"Fine, take half the squadron and do as you please, we will see if you are as confident after you fail."

I didn't even bother talking back, I got what I wanted. I took half a dozen clones and took cover on a ditch to regroup.

"Okay, listen here troopers, we are changing things up. You will make a diamond formation with me on point. I will act as a shield. We will press the offensive."I paused to look at them. "You two will take the right flank and you two the left. The two of you will bring up the rear and provide support for any fallen troopers we find in our way."

They were all listening to me attentively and I couldn't help feeling like I needed to reassure them.

"We are a Pack now, gentlemen. Let's act like one and hunt the enemy down."

"A Pack, huh, I like that, Commander. Let's show those clankers who's the predator here."

And on my signal, we went on our way. I managed to draw the enemy fire and lessen the burden on the team. We gained a lot of terrain as we advanced, moving swiftly and efficiently through the ranks of droids. Cutting down dozens upon dozens of them. Every Fallen trooper we came upon was protected until a medic could get him to the medical triage. We were so engrossed in the battle, so concentrated on fighting, on surviving that we made it right to the frontlines.

"Kriari!" I heard someone yell.

The moment I lost my concentration, I took a shot to my left bicep.

"Commander!" CT- 3636 said before shooting the droid that had managed to injure me.

"I'm fine Commander, don't break formation." I answered before regaining my position.

Thankfully, blaster fire cauterized wounds on it's own, so there was no fear of blood loss. It was very painful though, and the pain slowed me down considerably. It seemed like we would be overwhelmed by enemy fire when another squadron appeared to our right and took the enemy out.

"Kriari, Child. What are you doing here on your own?" Master Plo asked as his troops surrounded our team and let us catch a breath.

"Master Ki-Adi's squadron was suffering heavy losses and I suggested we break it up into two teams to reduce casualties." I said as Master Plo's medic ripped my sleeve and started treating the wound in my arm.

"I see, and how did that go for you?" He asked, looking at my team who was now having some water and reloading their blasters.

"We were doing fine until you distracted me, Master." I smiled at him.

"Is that so? What does your team have to say about that?" He asked, directing the question to the clone commander.

"Unconventional but effective, General. Commander Foreas' strategy allowed us to make much better time and suffer no losses. We also managed to get medical help for some troopers that had been left behind." He reported.

"I see. Well, reinforcements have arrived. Now, have your team escort my Padawan to the medical triage-"

"But master-"

"Kriari, this is an order. You've had enough action for today." He sighed when I looked down, trying to hide the tears that were forming. "The war has just begun, young one. I know your intentions are good, but you are hurt, and a liability to your team. I will take over from here. Trust that I will finish what you started." He said patting my head softly.

"Commander, have two men escort her, the rest of you will press the attack with me." He commanded.

"Sir, yes, sir." He turned to the clones that had been on my left during the entire attack. "You heard the general. Protect the commander and get her to safety."

"Yes, Sir." They both answered before turning to me. "Let's go, Commander, we'll get you back in one piece, you'll see."

And get me back they did. They never left my side, not even when the medic in the triage declared he was done stitching me up. They took their helmets off and started chatting animatedly, but they never let go of their blasters.

"Do you guys have names?" I asked finally. "I don't mean your CT numbers," I added quickly. "I heard in Kamino some of you gave each other names."

They looked at one another and then at me.

"Yeah, we do," said the one to my right. "My name is Boost, that's Art."

I smiled and took a sip from my cantine. Geonosis was very dry and very hot.

"Boost and Art. I like them. Is there a story behind them?" I asked curiously.

They both chuckled and nodded at the thought.

"Yeah, Boost here was always asking his squad to 'boost him up' during the citadel training simulations. And I have the bad habit of wanting to draw or paint on every plain surface I see."

I chuckled at how silly the reasons were. But it did occur to me that no matter how small the reason, they really didn't need an excuse for wanting a name. It was kind of sad if I really thought about it. The struggle of standing out in an army that looks exactly like you.

"I like them a lot. It's a pleasure to meet you both."

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