Chapter 28

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Chapter 28

Wolffe and I spoke casually as we made our way towards the bridge. Not a lot had happened since I'd been gone, the Pack had mostly been assigned extractions, rescue missions and patrols among other things. The clone commander didn't show his feelings on the lack of battlefront action, but then again, I was still his superior and it might have looked like he was complaining to some. He was glad I was back, I could tell that much. Wolffe might have looked like an emotionless steel blast wall, but the man was still a sentient, and sentients interacted with the Force. It was a quiet, tame feeling he allowed himself in the confines of his mind, but he would never allow it to show. Clone Commander Wolffe was many things, emotional was not one of them, even if he did feel things deeply in the privacy of his soul.

Like Obi-Wan, he felt safe because he was strong and reliable and fiercely loyal. But my Master at least allowed himself to show feelings to those he cared for and trusted the most. Wolffe was the kind of person that didn't open up easily even to his closest friends, regardless of how deeply he felt about things. It was the kind of self control and discipline only extensive training and programming in a Kaminoan facility could grant. I was pretty sure Master Plo and I were the only ones that had an idea of how Wolffe felt about certain things, and it both felt like privilege and like I was intruding on something deeply personal. Those were things the Force told us about him, not things he had volunteered himself, so Master Plo and I had come to the silent agreement that we would not speak about them until he volunteered the information himself. It was both heartwarming and sad to have such a close, intimate look into a person such as him and not be able to share them because at the end of the day it would have been very intrusive.

That is how I knew it hadn't been the 104th who had gifted me the vibroblade, it had been him. That is how I knew he was annoyed at the celebration the 212th wanted to throw for me. That is how I knew he liked my older armour best, because it didn't have a wide, loud orange stripe. That is how I knew Art hadn't been completely dishonest when he told me Wolffe was a little too protective of me.

And now, walking side by side, finally having a moment to ourselves in what seemed like years, I could feel how at ease he was. The Force around him flowed naturally, almost visible in how bright it felt, and yet, to the naked eye, he looked no different. His back straight and his pace leisurely, face relaxed as he spoke of his brothers' shenanigans. He was so at peace, and for a moment there I didn't realize that very peace was being reflected within me.

I was so lost in the feeling of the Force around him that I missed the question he asked me.

"Huh? I'm sorry, what was that?"

Wolffe cleared his throat and repeated the question, never taking his eyes off the corridor ahead.

"I was wondering about the new robes, Commander. They suit you."

I looked down at myself. Right, the new robes. Last time he'd seen me I had been wearing a style that resembled Tusken robes. They had soon proved to be quite inefficient when I'd accidentally caught fire twice.

"Oh, right. I thought that since my armour represents who I fight for, who I fight with; then my robes should tell a story too. Where I came from, where I am, where I'm headed." I answered truthfully.

"But, Commander, you don't have the insignia of the Republic on your-" said Wolffe, confused for a second until his mind clicked. I could see the realization in his eyes. "Oh- don't let anyone know that." he added seriously, taking me by the arm and guiding me towards the wall for privacy. He looked in every direction before looking me dead in the eyes and saying the next words. "Some could call that treason, Commander."

I smiled at him and put a hand on his bicep.

"You are not anyone, Wolffe. I trust you. You know I fight in this war because I have to, but I am not a soldier. I fight so that the Dark Side doesn't win, I fight so that innocents don't suffer, I fight because I can't bear to see the Jedi commissioning an army of slaves and do nothing about it. I'm not blind, Wolffe, clones aren't free, the war has hit you the hardest and until you are free to do your own will, the least I can do is keep you alive. This war cannot last forever."

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