Chapter 46

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It was a solid plan, Kriari knew that. Her master was especially good at war tactics, he had been working very closely with Cody, after all. No, it wasn’t the plan that bothered her, it was the fact that she was to remain in one of the safest areas while the attack took place. General Skywalker, Ahsoka and Rex would be going on the offensive with an incredibly small number of troopers. Losses would be high, and while a small force was key to a speedy and agile attack, she still didn’t like that she had to stay with the tanks. 

Obi-Wan glanced at her from the corner of his eye, probably expecting her to voice her disapproval, and Cody made sure to pat her shoulder in an attempt to reassure, or maybe steady her. They all knew her too well to feign ignorance. Kriari was definitely used to being at the front of the charge, and having a support role made her extremely uneasy. 

When the plan was explained and gone over in the general briefing, there was nothing left to discuss, so the entire force was dismissed. But before she could hop onto her assigned tank, her Master’s voice stopped her. 

“I know this plan does not sit well with you, my young apprentice, but do try to obey orders while I’m not there.” 

Kriari had realized long ago that even if she had never blatantly disobeyed Obi-Wan, he still made it a point to ask for her obedience anyway. It made her a little sad, not only because deep down it made her feel like he didn’t trust her, but also because Anakin must have given him more than a few scares while disobeying orders. Obi-Wan Kenobi was a caring man, even when he tried to hide it, Kriari knew he would always be there for her, so his lack of trust hurt her. 

“I won’t disappoint you master. I promise.” She said before taking a trooper’s forearm to board the tank.

But as the heavy machinery started to move, she didn’t hear her master’s answer.

“Oh, child, I don't think you ever could.”

The ray shield was quickly dealt with, and the Geonosian forces in the area apprehended. It was time to establish a perimeter, a temporary command center  and take care of any casualties they had suffered. Ahsoka and Kriari chatted with the troopers as they patched up and relocated some of the wounded. They all agreed on one thing, yes, they were invading Geonosis and basically colonizing the planet, and had admittedly committed several war crimes in doing so. But even if the Geonosians were in the right here, they were still one peculiar race, and their lifestyle created more culture shock than most of them had experienced before. 

Some of the troopers had admitted that thinking of the locals as bugs reduced the guilt they might be feeling about the invasion, but those confessions had been made only by those troopers who knew their commanders and trusted them implicitly. Kriari didn’t tell them, but she was sure the things they had done here would haunt her for a long time. She still had nightmares about her first time on Geonosis. 

Ahsoka was telling her how she and her master competed in battle to see how many droids each of them could take out, and that she was slowly but surely closing the gap between them. Kriari listened attentively, of course, and she realized Skywalker was a softer man than he appeared. Ahsoka was fourteen, she was in many ways still a child, and for her master to turn battles into a game in order to reduce trauma was something Kriari could appreciate. 

She hadn’t exactly been left with a good impression of Skywalker when they had first met, but she was slowly realizing why Rex spoke so highly of the man and why Ahsoka admired him so much. Even if his company had one of the highest rates of casualties. 

Ahsoka and Kriari had approached the nearest LAAT/i to see the wounded masters off. It had been decided that Kriari would remain with the 501st and those members of the 212th who were still battle ready. Her master and Cody would leave for the command ship to get treatment and would be back as soon as they were able. 

Obi-Wan had been quite reluctant at first, but Anakin had somehow convinced his former Master to allow Kriari to stay. Whether it was because he needed the extra manpower or not remained to be seen, but Kriari was thankful either way. They were now organizing the troops and getting ready for General Luminara Unduli and her battalion to get there. There were briefings to do and squads to rearrange as well as inventory to take. 

Kriari left the briefings to Ahsoka and her master and decided she would make herself useful otherwise. She made sure to take inventory of the weapons and ammunition they had left, she took it upon herself to work out the new squads with Rex’s help and she checked in with the medics at the triage to see if they needed anything. Then, she spoke with the few engineers that had survived the attack to see if she could help them get their hands on any parts that needed replacing.

As usual, Kriari asked for the datapad that held the names and designation numbers of all the casualties and hooked it up to her waist. She ended her conversation with the head medic when she spotted General Unduli’s ship landing. That was one meeting she couldn’t be late to. 

Kriari might have been able to get away with some things when her master and the entire 212th was there, but now, as the head representative of her battalion, she needed to act the part. She would not ruin her master or her battalion's exemplary record, not for something this silly at least. 

It wasn’t funny, it shouldn’t have been funny. Kriari tried to contain her giggles as she and Rex watched General Skywalker and his padawan bicker like siblings. General Unduli was not impressed by the situation, and her own padawan looked rather confused. 

Kriari finally managed to swallow her laughter when Rex elbowed her sharply on the ribs. Master Luminara, for all her peace, calm and grace, had her work cut out for her. The woman was exemplary, and she had come as prepared as one could be. 

Her padawan Barris was no different. Extremely intelligent, calm in the face of adversity, always fully prepared, always with a plan. 

The plan in question was good:create a diversion while Ahsoka and Barris snuck into the factory and blew it up from the inside. What Kriari was most definitely not okay with was the “parade style” diversion General Skywalker was planning. There was absolutely no cover for those marching straight down the middle of the road, and there were several rocky structures around it that were perfect hiding spots for ambushers. 

She expressed her concerns to both masters, but they dismissed her worries as part of a risk worth taking, as the ”lesser of two evils”. Still Kriari did not let up, she insisted there was at least one Jedi at the rear guard to keep them from having too many losses in case of an ambush. 

“You seem overly concerned for the loss of life, Padawan, I commend you for it. But the Clones are soldiers, you should allow them to do their job.” said Master Unduli calmly.

“The term “job” would mean they get paid to do this, Master, which is not true. Just because they are slaves to the Republic it does not mean we can be careless with their lives.” returned Kriari, whose temper was beginning to flare. 

She should not be the one explaining this to a Master Jedi.

Both Masters seemed to be taken aback by Kriari’s boldness, and while Master Skywalker had a small grin on his face, Master Unduli sighed and closed her eyes as if consulting with the Force. 

“Very well, You and the 212th shall bring up the rear and prevent any ambushes from taking too many casualties.”

She managed to refrain from showing just how pleased she was with her little victory. Kriari was sure it was the right choice, and she would make sure Both Masters were glad to take her counsel when all of it was over.

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