Chapter 35

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The assignment was simple: make contact with the Republic spy in Ord Anlata and recover any information regarding a Separatist conspiracy. The GAR intelligence division had been keeping an eye on the planet and it's black market dealings for a while. They had ignored this because of the information network the planet provided regarding the enemy, but now, with the ebb and rise of the tide of war, the loyalties of Ord Anlata's government were starting to fade. So in came a squad of three, a Jedi apprentice and two clones, to make contact with the spy and hopefully undermine the plot against the republic.

It had all been arranged for our arrival. We would be staying in a small apartment on the southern quadrant in Neo Cetara -the capital city. I would take up a job as a bartender at one of the bars royal officers frequented most, and Art and Sinker would take turns playing security at the Royal Palace. Not that Ord Anlata had been a monarchy historically, the local government was just drunk on all the profit their illegal activities provided. The assignment appeared to be quite straightforward. Get the intel, get it to the senate, prevent the separatists from gaining control over more territory.

It all seemed easy on paper, it always does, but it all faded in an instant when we made contact with our spy. The space port was as crowded as one could have expected after the arrival of a ship carrying refugees. That didn't stop us from finding our contact, who seemed to have gotten there before we had. The rendezvous point had been set in a more secluded area of the port, where warehouses storing cargo loomed in neat rows. A hooded figure stood against the outer walls of one of the warehouses, hiding from view in the alleyway between buildings. Even at a distance, I could not help the feeling of knowing in the pit of my stomach. It made me more uneasy than I cared to admit.

And when the figure turned to face us, I understood why.

Brendon Kail stood there with a confident grin on his face and a hand to his hip.

I suppressed the urge to reach for my lightsaber. He wasn't the enemy, he had done nothing to merit the hostility, but still I made a single hand sign to keep both my companions alert. Possible threat ahead.

"You've grown up nicely, Foreas." He said as a form of greeting, looking me up and down with pointed interest.

It felt quite unsettling, the Force around him moved peacefully without a hint of the dark side, and still, it didn't comfort me.

"It has been a while, hasn't it?" I said, trying to mask my discomfort. "These are Art and Sinker."

He made a face, as if something I'd said puzzled him.

"I suppose they will need names for the mission-"

"They are people, Brendon. They have names" I interrupted. "And you best remember that."

Let us just say we were not up to a good start. I would have to brief the boys on who the man was later. But I would have to make sure not to try and judge him too much. I had no Idea what he'd been through since he'd been kicked out of the order.

"I suggest we move to a safer location, we can set up base and then make introductions." Said Sinker as he discretely looked around the landing platforms and warehouses.

"Right fellas, Milady, this way." Said Brendon with an exaggerated bow and a grand gesture. "I'll be your tour guide for the day."


It took all Art's training not to say a sarcastic brilliant out loud. First, Wolffe's little improvised moment of affection and now this guy? If the Commander managed to keep her head on straight at all the entire mission he promised himself he would buy all her drinks in the future. The Force really was testing her, and it was being a bitch about it. He hadn't been impressed with Kail when Kriari had told him about it, he was even less impressed now. It was almost embarrassing how a thirteen year old clone had more sense than a twenty three year old natborn. But that was natborns for you, they matured a lot slower.

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