Chapter 60

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Wolffe hated very few people. Most times even having such feelings was a waste of time and energy he could not afford. Yes, he had been in what he and Kriari had called a little fake honeymoon, but they had still been working all the way through it, and the only emotion he was allowing himself to spare at the moment was that which he had for Kriari and his brothers.
But Wolffe would readily accept he hated Zapal's guts. The man had not only insulted Kriari, he had also underestimated her and the entire battalion. He had believed the Wolf Pack unable to continue operations without a commander and that offended Wolffe the most. Admiral Zapal was a nat born who believed himself to be better than clones. He failed to see how biologically engineered people could be superior in every way.
Wolffe just knew Zapal had a small dick.

As he stood at attention behind his General and Commander, Wolffe made sure to scan the entire bridge for the crew's behavior. Impeccable as always, but he was sure as to why more than a few had shown up with their armor fatigues under their gray uniform: it allowed more movement. More than a few men on the bridge were prepared to either de-escalate or escalate if anything were to happen. He was proud, but he was also cautious, the men really were as loyal to the General and the Commander as he was, some even more so. He had seen a man with a tattoo of Kriari's face silhouette, and more than one of their gunners had her face plastered on it.
Plo's bros and Kriari's whores.
Clones had a really basic sense of humor, and even the rogue shinie was starting to get attached.

Everyone was ready for the polite but cutting exchange they all knew was coming. They were all prepared to have to tear Wolffe off Zapal's carcass if he went too far. They were all ready to take the General's disappointment. But no one was ready for what the Admiral had in store.

As soon as he stepped on the bridge and started the formal greeting of the General and his closest commanding officers, the man started eyeing Kriari not with hate and resentment, but with interest. Which surprised and worried everyone on board because if there was something Wolffe hated more than someone disrespecting the Commander was someone who was interested in the Commander.

When the man was done speaking formalities to General Plo, he went on to greet his second in command. Kriari's face was all hard professionalism and distance, she shook the man's hand -they all noticed him trying to hold on to her a little longer than he should have- and responded only in short, to the point answers to his inquiries.

They all saw him looking her up and down several times, and when he commented on her having grown up and matured in their time apart, one of the men posted at the blast doors stepped closer to Wolffe.

This was way more dangerous than Zapal just being a bitching, tight ass, panties in a twist idiot. This was him playing rodian roulette with a fully loaded blaster with the safety off. This would end in blood.

One thing was for another clone to check out the Commander. She was young, lean, attractive, intelligent and dangerous, which appealed right to their Fett gene that loved danger and a challenge. But Zapal? The man that had been a condescending prick and had been willing to let Wolffe, Kriari  and an entire team die at the hands of a sith without even trying to help them?
No. Not one of them would allow it. And the Commander was not in a position where she could call him out or put him in his place without being called sensitive or told she was exaggerating. Women in the army had it rough like that. So it fell to the Pack to do it for her. And oh would they put the asshole in his rightful place.

"Although I do appreciate that your contempt for my apprentice has seemed to wane, Admiral; Commander Foreas is still a part of the Jedi Order. I would suggest you address her the same way you would address me."

Or maybe not.

Oftentimes, the Pack forgot that for all his quiet musings and observations, General Plo was still very much a laser sharp blade. Of course he would not allow anyone to disrespect his Padawan. That, and he would be the first to try and keep Wolffe off Zapal's throat.

"I understand, General Koon." Answered Zapal tightly as he waited for Master Plo and Kriari to lead the way.

Before he could follow them, Wolffe made sure to bump the man's shoulder as he went ahead of him and right at his superior officers' back. Like hell he was letting the man eye Kriari's ass. This was of course a huge lack of respect on his part, but the way he saw it, Zapal had lost whatever respect he had for him the second he started eyeing his Jedi. Good thing Jedi couldn't actually read minds (or hadn't tried it on him) because Kriari would most likely get angry with him for such possessive thoughts.
Not that it would change a thing, she was his and he was hers and that was that. Simple, uncomplicated, true.

Plo buir was an entirely different matter. He didn't want to disappoint him, but he would also rather be at his back to take anything coming from Zapal than give the man free access to his father.
Not that Zapal had the motives, the guts, or the ability to take any of them on, but still, Wolffe liked to be careful.

He just wanted the inspection to be over and to go back to doing his duty and maybe doing his Jedi. If she really wanted him as badly as he did her. After all, they were getting assigned active duty after the inspection and they would be back to not knowing if they would live or die to see each other the next time the suns rose.

But first he needed to deal with a certain pitiful dog that had wandered into his Pack and started sniffing a little too close to his Jedi. Wolffe did not mind sharing, but when it came to Kriari, he was willing to do unspeakable things to keep her safe and keep her his.

He Just hoped Zapal didn't give him a reason to actually act on it.

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