The one who sings

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Thor and Loki were walking the grounds of the palace, the two brothers never really bonded as much as they did when they were children. This was one of the only times where they could spend time together instead of going their separate ways to protect the realm. It was the first time in years that they even had one long conversation. In this conversation they shared a laugh or two, most of the time it left them laughing every few seconds. Suddenly, Thor brought up a person that made Loki almost blush. 

"Come on brother, she is one of fathers best soldiers. who doesn't love a female that can pack a punch?" Loki almost laughed. "Why must you bring her up? I mean...yes she is a fine soldier. one of the best." he trailed off. Loki didn't want to admit it but he had a bit of a crush on Y/N. 

"In fact, I've got a bit of a secret for you." said Thor. Loki's eyes lit up, he grinned devilishly, "Oh do tell." said Loki. He listened closely as his brother explained everything, but what really got him interested was something to do with her singing. 

"I heard she sings when she's alone, and I believe she sings about you brother." he teased. Loki shook his head smiling. "No that can't be true, a soldier having feelings for a man of royalty." he said. Thor chuckled. "Alright I'll stop, however, I'm just saying she is quite the singer." he said before he saw Jane across the hall. Thor excused himself, leaving his brother alone. he stopped once to turn around and mouthed the words "Go find her." he mouthed, then winked at him. Loki chuckled to himself before taking his leave. He was about to turn the corner towards the library when he heard a voice, which sounded like singing. 

Being the curious one that he was, he followed the noise. Which led him to Y/N's room, she was shining her armor and sharpening her knifes. Something she always did when she wasn't training with lady sif. Loki stared at her, Y/N was a strong woman. One who could easily take out a man twice her size. He listened closely as she sang, which sounded so beautiful to him. 

(The song above, is the one she sings) 

"In my dreams behind these eyes, and I won't wake up. No not, this Time!!" she sang, holding out the note for a few seconds before finishing the rest. Loki had never heard anything like this. He was speechless. "wow." he whispered. 

Before he could say anything he heard sif's voice, he quickly teleported out of there and into the library. Not wanting to get caught. 

"Y/N?" she called out. "Yes?" replied Y/N, setting her knifes down. "Queen Frigga wishes to speak with you." she said. Y/N nodded and followed sif. Who explained to y/n, that Loki was watching her sing. leaving her a blushing mess. 

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