How you met

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Your the sister to Jane Foster, who was dating Thor. One day her and Thor brought you to Asgard for a visit. It was your first time seeing this world outside Earth and it was beautiful. the scenery was unlike anything you had ever seen. While you were in the library you came across a book of Norse Mythology, which really caught your attention since you do have a thing for history. Jane was the scientist while you were the history nerd. You did love history, and knew a lot of things, Myths being your favorite subject to study. You sat down with the book which magically translated itself to English so you could best understand it. 

"I didn't know they did that." you muttered. you looked up to see that Jane was distracted with Thor, discussing something in a book they were reading. You smiled and turned your attention to your book, leaving the young couple alone. You read a couple of pages until you came across a page that really interested you the most. "Loki." you whispered. The name was something you have not heard of before, so you decided to read about him. After a few minutes or so Jane found you reading about Loki, making her smile to herself. "awh you found the book about Thor's brother." she said. You raised an eyebrow. "Brother?" you questioned. "Yes, Loki is my brother. Well, adopted brother that is." Thor added. "So, this man is real?" you asked. "Yes he is! in fact he is here on Asgard, I can introduce you to him if you like." Thor offered. You nodded. "yes please." you replied, closing your book and placing it back on the shelf where you found it. 

You followed Thor and Jane to the gardens of the palace where he knew his brother would be. He explained to you that his brother spent most of the time in the gardens reading, sometimes he could be found in his room throwing knifes at a target on the wall, or wandering the palace grounds. Just as luck would have it Thor found him in the gardens reading a book, every now and then he caught his brother saying hello to some of the women that passed by. He chuckled to himself knowing his little brother was quite the charmer. "Hello brother." he said. Loki closed his book and stood to his full height, turning to face his older brother. You blushed at the sight of him. Thor's brother was really handsome. Tall, long straight black hair, green eyes, pale skin, and dressed in the finest Asgardian leather. "Brother." he replied, shaking his brothers hand. "Good to see you back." said Loki. "Hello miss foster." Jane shook Loki's hand. "I must say, you are much luckier than I am. I don't catch a woman's attention these days I'm afraid." he joked. making all three of them laugh. 

"Well I wouldn't say that." said Thor. Loki seemed a bit confused. "What do you mean?" he asked. Suddenly the god of mischiefs eyes darted to yours. you couldn't help but stare as well. "Who is this?" Thor almost smirked. "Loki, this is my sister Y/N foster." Jane said introducing you. "Y/N, this is Loki. Thor's brother. Prince of Asgard." 

you bowed your head slightly in respect. "How do you do your grace?" you said extending a hand for the prince to shake. Loki, being the gentleman he is, took your hand and kissed it. Looking at you lovingly with his emerald green eyes. making you blush. "please call me Loki miss Y/N." he said. "such a gentleman for a god of mischief." you complimented. earning a chuckle from him. "Smart girl." 

"I have a thing for history myself, Thor told me about you of course, but I find the books to be more helpful." you winked. Thor and Jane excused themselves and went for a walk, leaving you and Loki alone. You noticed the book he was reading. "Shakespeare huh?" you said. "Ah yes, I find midgardian literature to be fascinating." he said. "might I read some of it to you?" he offered. you accepted his offer and sat down next to him, allowing him to read a few pages to you. the sound of his voice was so calming and relaxing. He read to you for what seemed like an hour. He stopped at one of the chapters, he was going to ask if you wanted to hear more of it but when he turned to you he noticed you had fallen asleep next to him. He smiled at your sleeping form. 

He heard Thors laughter. "Awh brother you put her to sleep." he said. Loki nearly blushed. "I suppose I did." he said picking you up carefully, bridal style. I will take her to my chambers to rest. "Very well, I'm going for another drink." Thor said. "And please don't do anything stupid." he teased. Loki rolled his eyes, smiling as he carried you off to his room. He laid you down on his bed, and let you sleep. He took a chair and sat down, keeping an eye on you. Even though he just met you he was beginning to like you already. 

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