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In the next few days, Yoongi works extra hard.

He spends more time in his studio working and no matter how hard I try, I can't seem to be able to stop him. All thoughts of my own problems and depression have gone, and I'm solely focused on trying to pull Yoongi away from his computer. I don't know what's happened to him, but I do know that it started the day we went to visit Jieun. His attitude is almost disinterested and it's gotten so bad, I'm starting to think it's me. If Ash where here, I'd be asking her for advice, but she's not and I don't want to bother her while she's on holiday.

I make my way to Yoongi's studio, two cups of coffee in my hands and I awkwardly type the passcode in, before pushing the door open with my elbow. Yoongi is sat in front of his computer, with his headphones on and he's intently concentrated on the screen. He doesn't acknowledge me when I come in. I let the studio door shut and then walk over to the desk, placing the coffee cups next to Yoongi's hand.

"Yoongi, I've got some coffee for you."

He doesn't reply, just carries on looking at the computer screen. I have no idea whether he's actually listening to anything, but the coffee is in his line of vision. It feels like he's actively ignoring me.

I clench my hands, trying to control my annoyance, "How about you take a break Yoongi? You've been working for hours."

I get no reply, but I do see his eyes flick down to the coffee and now I definitely know that he's ignoring me. I'm both worried and angry, and this is the last straw for me. I reach over to him and yank his headphones off, slamming them down on the desktop. This, at last, seems to get his attention.

"What are you doing?" He sounds shocked.

"I've had enough!" I say, trying to control my voice so that I don't end up shouting at him, "All you do is sit here, working. You don't acknowledge me and you don't take any breaks. I don't know what's happened to you, but I'm worried about you. It feels like you're trying to hide from something and it hurts me even more that you don't seem to be able to trust me enough to tell me. You were there for me, please let me be there for you. I'm here for you."

Yoongi listens to all of this in silence and once I've finished, he speaks quietly, not meeting my eyes.

"What do you want me to do?"

He sounds resigned and tired, and this breaks my heart. This isn't about me and our relationship, it's about him and his state of mind. I'm genuinely worried about him and I just want him to take a break, to see him smile again. So I just crouch down, until I can see his eyes and reach out to take his hand. He doesn't push me away, but neither does he pull me towards him. His eyes are avoiding mine and he's turning his head away from me, but I can clearly see some kind of emotion in them and I know that he's starting to come back to me.

"I want you to take a break with me," I say, my tone softer and less aggravated, "It doesn't have to be for long, but you need to stop working for a little bit. This is still your holiday and whilst you're allowed to spend it how you want, you should rest as well."

I wait for him to push me away, to just go back to working, but he nods his head and I allow myself to smile slightly. I straighten up, pulling Yoongi out of his chair and onto his feet. My happiness of finally getting a response from him, means that I pull him up with more force than I need to and he stumbles, managing to stop himself before he crashes into me.

I'm instantly aware of the proximity between us and I can't help but gulp slightly as I look up at my soulmate. His coffee eyes are wide and for the first time in days, he's looking at me. I don't dare move, not wanting to break this moment. It's right now, that I realise truly how much my feelings have grown.

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