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A week passes by quickly and before I know it, I'm in Namjoon and Ash's bedroom, helping Ash pack a suitcase, whilst Yoongi lounges on their bed. Over the week, I've become quite close with Ash, finding a new friend in the kind, funny woman. There have been many times when we've weirded out our respective soulmate's and I know I'm going to miss her company.

Everyone is leaving the dorm, whether they're staying in the country or not, so it's just going to be Yoongi and I for a month. Though he keeps on denying it, I know that he's going to feel lonely without them and the dorm will definitely be a lot quieter. I have no idea what Yoongi and I are going to do for a month by ourselves, but I am looking forward to getting to know him better. Although I love living with Bangtan and they're all really nice people, they have no sense of personal space or timing.

"Should I bring sandals? We're going to Europe, but I'm not sure for how long. As usual, Namjoon hasn't told me anything, apart from the fact that we're visiting my mum back in the Uk. I don't even know how he set that up." Ash says, rifling through her closet.

"Bring sandals, just in case." I say, folding up a shirt on the small space of the bed that Yoongi isn't taking up, "If you're going to places like Greece or Italy, you'll want to be wearing sandals. Speaking of hot countries, don't forget to buy sun cream."

Ash chuckles, as she pulls a pair of sandals out of the wardrobe and passes them over to me.

"Anyone would think that you're worried about me."

I roll my eyes, "Can't I be slightly worried? My friend's going on her first proper trip with her soulmate, not to mention the fact that her soulmate is a global superstar. I just want you to have the best time possible and not worry about forgetting things or getting sunburnt."

I pack her sandals in her suitcase and Ash leaves her place by the wardrobe, to assess my packing skills. She gives a small satisfied nod of her head and double checks she has everything, before going to close the suitcase, but she sighs when she sees that Yoongi's legs are resting on top of one of the sides.

"Yoongi, move your legs." She says, but he doesn't move one bit. In the end, she has to walk around the otherside of the bed and tries to pick his legs up, but fails.

Ash grunts as she struggles to lift his legs up, "God, have you been working out on just your legs? Or are your trousers made of lead?"

She strains for another few seconds, before giving up. She lets go of his legs and sends me a disparaging look.

"Can't you get him to move?"

I sigh, going to open my mouth, but before I can say anything, the bedroom door opens and Namjoon walks in. He sees the situation instantly, his eyes taking everything in and the look that appears on his face, tells me that he's not exactly surprised. Without speaking, he makes his way over to stand next to Ash and takes Yoongi's legs in his hands, lifting them up slowly.

"Hyung, you're really not helping right now." He says through gritted teeth.

Yoongi gives him a feline like grin, "I'm not trying to."

Namjoon shakes his head and carries on lifting his legs. When they're fully off the case, I pull the side towards me and zip the suitcase shut. Namjoon lets go of Yoongi's legs, which fall back onto the bed with a loud thud. I pull the suitcase off the bed and stand it up, holding onto the handle.

"Come on, let's get this downstairs." I say to Ash, who nods her head, before leaning up to place a kiss on her soulmate's lips and then she turns towards me. We make our way out of the bedroom, leaving the two men by themselves, as we can both sense that they want to talk to each other alone. Once the door is shut, we walk down the hallway to the stairs, the suitcase wheeling in front of me.

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