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"Two hours?! Why didn't you tell me sooner?!"

Ash stares at me, her eyes wide in shock.

"Because I knew you'd spend the whole day counting down, waiting for their arrival. I didn't want you worrying all day."

She groans, "Well, I'm worrying now! I need to shower, clean up the living room, change into something nicer and probably brush my teeth as well, since we had garlic doughballs and pizza for lunch, there's no way he's going to want to kiss me with this breath-"

I place a comforting hand on her shoulder, "Ash you're rambling. You don't need to panic, everything's fine. If you want to go shower and get changed, you do that. I'll clean up the living room."

"Really?" She asks, "Thanks Charlie. How are you so calm about all of this?"

I shake my head, "I'm not. I'm freaking out on the inside, trust me. I'm just trying not to show it. I've brushed my teeth ten times today and this morning, I spent over an hour trying to choose an outfit. In the end, I chose this."

Ash grins as she looks me up and down, "Jeans and a hoodie. Simple and comfy, good choice. Wait, isn't that Yoongi's hoodie?"

"Maybe?" I say, suddenly feeling slightly embarrassed. I'm surprised that she hasn't noticed that I've been wearing Yoongi's hoodie's all week. They still smell slightly like him and it's helped me to calm down when I've been missing him, because when I'm wearing them, it still feels like he's around.

"Alright then, I'll go shower." She starts to make her way over to the stairs, but she turns around just as she reaches them, "You have no idea how glad I am have you here now. This dorm really needed another woman to help keep it in order."

And with that, she leaves me alone in the living room, a massive smile on my face. It seems that meeting Yoongi hasn't only given me someone to love and the courage to face my inner fears, but new friends that I have a feeling will stick with me for the rest of my life. In everything that they do, BTS change lives for the better and I'm no exception. I can only hope that they know that.

Slowly, I cast a glance across the living room and for a few seconds, I regret volunteering to clean up. Although Ash says that the guys are bad, we're not much better and as it's just been the two of us here for a week, we've let go a bit. Ash needed time to relax and not stress about her soulmate being absent, and though I won't admit it openly, it's the same for me. But now, I have to clean up a week's worth of snack packets and bottles, and make this living room presentable for when the group arrives in two hours time.

I get to work and my movements are lethargic, since I really don't want to do anything and I'm hoping that Ash'll come down soon to help me. In the end, I get my act together and start to tidy properly, so that when Ash does come back down half an hour later, I'm done and sitting on the now litter free sofa.

She stares around at the living room, eyes wide, before turning to me.

"Wow, you did such a good job! Is there anything left for me to do?"

"Nope, I did everything. You look nice." I reply, taking in her outfit and freshly dried golden hair.

Ash smiles widely, "You think so?"

She's dressed in a pretty blouse and jeans, and she's practically glowing. I'm guessing this has something to do with the fact that she's going to see Namjoon very soon. Ash sinks down onto the sofa next to me and she seems calmer than she was half an hour ago.

"They're going to be exhausted when they get here." She comments and I nod in agreement.

"Their flight was really long and they've had to sit through another drive from Incheon, plus the fact that I doubt they've slept great for the past week. I wouldn't be surprised if when they get back, they'll say hi and then immediately go up to bed."

Caramel - MYGWhere stories live. Discover now