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"Are you sure you don't want anything to eat? You didn't eat anything for dinner and from what the guys have told me, you didn't eat much for lunch."

Yoongi and I are back at the dorm, in his room. It's just coming up to 10pm and I know that most of the group are fast asleep by now, but we're awake, although Yoongi's very close to dosing off. The only thing that's keeping him awake, is me, since I'm trying to get him to eat something before he sleeps.

Yoongi shakes his head. He hasn't changed into his pyjamas yet and he's sprawled atop the duvet, taking up most of the bed. He looks exhausted, something which I've been noticing is a common expression over the past few weeks. It's been about a month since Bangtan started the end of year schedule of death and I've seen how all of the members have changed slightly. They're all looking permanently drained and when they're back at the dorm, they spend the free time they have sleeping. Yoongi's looking particularly shattered though and I can't help but worry.

"Alright, but if you're not going to eat, at least drink something. I can get you some water, a cup of tea maybe?" I say and my soulmate nods his head, "Which one was that a yes to, the water or the tea?"

"The tea." Yoongi's voice comes out low and quiet, "You don't have to make it for me Sweetheart, I can get up-"

I cut him off, "Yoongi, you look exhausted. I'm not sure you'd make it back up the stairs with a cup of tea in your hands. I'll make the tea and you can get ready for bed in the meantime. Is that okay?"

"You're an angel Sweetheart."

A blush rises to my cheeks at these words and the soft adoration in Yoongi's voice as he says them. I give Yoongi one last look, before heading out of the room and silently walking down the stairs to the kitchen. As I push the kitchen door open, I'm surprised to find that someone's already in there, their broad shouldered back to me.

Seokjin's already in his pyjamas and he seems to be making himself a cup of tea as well. He turns his head towards me when he hears the kitchen door open and a small frown appears on his face.

"I thought both you and Yoongi would be fast asleep by now."

"I'm making him a cup of tea. I wasn't letting him go to sleep without either eating or drinking something." I reply and make my way over to one of the cabinets, opening it and pulling a cup out, "It's chamomile that he likes, right?"

Seokjin nods, "Right."

We fall into silence as I get to work making Yoongi his cup of tea and though Seokjin is finished, he doesn't leave the kitchen. Instead he leans against the counter next to me, sipping on his tea quietly and I get the feeling that there's something he wants to talk to me about. I know I'm right when he starts to speak, his tone surprisingly serious.

"There's something I want to talk to you about Charlie." When I don't say anything, he continues, "It's about Yoongi."

This comment draws my attention away from the boiling kettle and to the tall man standing beside me.

"Go on."

"I know you've been noticing that Yoongi is really tired and he's eating slightly less. It's obvious from the way that you're trying to convince him to eat more and how supportive you've been."

My eyebrows crease in confusion, "But that's because of the schedule of death. All of you have been really tired and I know you're dieting as well."

"That might be true, but Yoongi's different. I don't know what it is that's spurring him on, but he's pushing himself extra hard. I'm only noticing it now, as I've known him for years and it's making me worry because I've never known him to push himself so hard. Usually he's one of the most level headed members of the group when it comes to tiring schedules and comeback preparations. He normally keeps within his limit and makes sure that he's staying well fed and healthy, but he's not doing that this time."

Caramel - MYGWhere stories live. Discover now