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"Can I do that part one more time? I don't feel like I'm doing my best."

I glance to the side, looking out of the recording booth's window to Namjoon, who is sitting in the next door room, controlling the recording equipment. He gives me a nod of his head and then clarifies even further by speaking, his voice sounding through the speakers in the recording booth.

"Sure Hyung. We can go as many times as you want. I mean, it is your mixtape after all."

I glance down at the lyrics in my hand and ready myself, as the music starts to play again and I open my mouth to rap. Out of all the songs in my mixtape this one will be the most memorable, as it's the title track. I've decided to name it Daechwita, after the traditional music played when the king was paraded through the streets in Korean history. At the second, I'm trying to get the hardest part done, a part in the song where my rap is supposed to be smoother and cooler. I've got quite a few stutters to nail and it's hard to get out some of the consonants that quickly. However, I've already recorded it a good few times and I'm still not happy with what I've done.

I finish rapping, slightly happier with the recording this time, but it's still not good enough. This song is the title track of my second mixtape, a show of my work and how talented I am. It has to be perfect.

"Just one more time?" I ask, knowing that Namjoon is hearing me in the next room, "I think I'll get it perfect this time."

I hear him huff out a long breath that sounds suspiciously like a sigh.

"I thought that take was perfect Hyung, but you can go again. Just don't strain your voice, we have practise this afternoon and it's one of the big rehearsals. You're going to need your voice for then." He replies.

"I'll be okay Joon. Let's do one more and then call it quits for today. Maybe I'm too tired, that's why it's not so good."

Namjoon doesn't reply and a couple of seconds later, the music starts playing again. I focus on the emotions I'm trying to get across this time and the meaning of the lyrics, squeezing my eyes shut so that I can fully concentrate. Once I've finished, I let my eyes open and I smile. That take was by far the best I've done today.

I turn to the side, to tell Namjoon that I'm satisfied with this take, but my eyes find a different familiar face through the glass.


Charlie is standing behind Namjoon's chair and she's staring at me through the glass, unmoving. When she doesn't answer and just carries on staring, I leave the recording booth and make my way around to the studio. As soon as I step inside, Charlie turns to me but she doesn't look any less shocked.

"Sweetheart, are you alright?" I ask her and then turn to Namjoon, who is smirking cheekily, "What's happened?"

Namjoon bites back a grin, "Charlie Noona came in here, asking where you were, just in time to see you record your rap for the last time. I think you've broken her."

I glare at him, but then look back at Charlie, my gaze softening. I take a hold of her shoulders gently and stare into her shocked green eyes, trying to get a reaction out of her.

"Sweetheart? Charlie?"

She blinks slowly, her eyes not leaving mine, "Namjoon, would you close your eyes for a second?"

Namjoon obliges and as soon as he does, Charlie's hand is curling around the top of my shirt and yanking me closer. Her mouth finds me and she kisses me passionately, stealing my breath and setting my heart beating so much faster. Having not expected her to kiss me, I'm surprised for a few seconds, before I relax and kiss her back. When she pulls away, there's a satisfied look in her eyes and a sweet smile on her lips. I stare at her, blushing madly as I relish in how much I love this woman and a smile of my own finds it's way to my face when I realise that this is the person I'm going to marry one day.

Caramel - MYGWhere stories live. Discover now