So, it's been a while

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Hi everyone

First things first, thank you all so much for over 100K on Ocean Eyes! At the time of writing this, it's at 121K, which is just insane. Never in my wildest dreams did I ever think I'd be able to publish something and receive this much support and love, and for that I am forever grateful. You're all angels, every single one of you!

Now onto the real reason I'm writing this - and I'm sorry in advance - but I won't be writing the rest of this series.

If I'm being honest, there are a lot of different reasons why it's come to this and they've all kind of tallied up to the point where in the last few months or so, I've come to the realization that I'm never going to finish this series. Most of the reasons are personal, so I won't go into much detail about that, but I have been really struggling over the last few years (both mentally and physically) and that has taken a toll on my writing. I don't really get to write anymore and when I sit down to try, I often find that I don't have enough energy to even start. So, I thought I owed you all an explanation at least, as to why I won't be able to finish writing.

However, there are some things that I feel I can tell you, now that I know I'm not going to write the rest and I'm going to address them now.

To begin with, the most obvious and important answer to a question that I've let hang for over 2 years: Who was the next book going to be about? 

And the answer is... Hobi and JJ!

Honestly, I've actually written the first few chapters of their book, so I might go back through and reread them to see if they're good enough to publish. If so, I'll publish them on the end of this book, just to give you a little taste of where the story was going.

I think Hobi and JJ were the second couple I actually planned, before I even had Charlie and Yoongi, and once the whole thing with He Who Shall Not Be Named (Henry) went down, I knew that Hobi and JJ would be the perfect pairing in the future. I'm kind of sad, I won't ever be able to write their story, but just know it was going to be as cute and fluffy as the other two books!

After Hobi's book, it was going to be Jin next (finally!). His soulmate was going to be Lyla, a sweet and slightly scatterbrained writer, who he bonds with outside the coffee shop (yes, that one). I already hinted at her character in Chapter 29 and was going to build in some more of her in the background, mostly through anecdotes from Jieun. 

And from then I was going to write the Maknae Line's books, in order of age going down, so Jimin's, then Tae's, then Jungkook's. 

Here's the books in order:

Ocean Eyes - Namjoon

Caramel - Yoongi

Stereo - Hoseok

Cover - Seokjin

Watercolour Flowers - Jimin

Origami Hearts - Taehyung

Daisy Chains - Jungkook

All in all, I am sorry that I won't finish this series. I know a lot of you were looking forward to reading the next book and the ones afterwards. But, I also want to say that Ocean Eyes and Caramel aren't going anywhere. They're staying up for as long as this site exists, so please feel free to read them at your leisure. I am still immensely proud of both of those books (mostly that I actually managed to write them) and I am incredibly thankful for all the love both books have received. You don't know how much that means to me.

On another note, I do have a second account @Illusionary1117, on which I'm hoping to post some Ateez fics in the future (if I ever actually get back into writing). If those sound like your cup of tea, then feel free to check the account out (again, it may take me a while to post anything on there, but I'll update this accounts community page when I have).

Finally, and I know I keep going on about it, thank you. The love my books have received over the past few years is astonishing and I am so glad that people have enjoyed my writing! I wish there was a better word to express how I'm feeling, but thank you just about sums it up. You're all amazing!

So, a final fond farewell to this series - you are forever a reminder of a happier, brighter time.

Thank you, as always,

Alys xx

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