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"What about this?"

I hand Ash my notebook and she skims her eye down the lyrics I've written. Ash, Eunbi and I are in Ash's studio, working on writing another song for Bangtan's next album, whilst the guys are at dance practise. We've been struggling to find lyrics for the past couple of hours and we're all taking it in turns to come up with lyrics and then trying them out. So far, we've got most of the vocal verses and we're working on the chorus right now.

Ash tilts her head in concentration, "Throw stones at me, We don't fear anymore, We are we are together, bulletproof."

Eunbi turns to look at us, as she hears Ash speak. She's sprawled haphazardly across the sofa next to me, her feet dangling over the edge and her pen is between her teeth, notebook held up above her. There's barely any room left for me on the sofa, but I don't mind as I'm now used to Eunbi's strange and slightly chaotic way of working. She pulls the pen out of her mouth and turns her gaze to me.

"That sounds pretty good actually. Can you sing it with the melody?" She asks and I nod my head, taking my notebook back from Ash.

Sucking in a light breath, I open my mouth and begin to sing. The melody's only short and once I've finished, I glance around at the two of them. Ash looks surprised and there's a light smile growing on Eunbi's face. From this reaction, I can tell they liked it.

"I keep on forgetting that you have the voice of an angel." Eunbi comments playfully, making me feel slightly shy from her compliment, but then her expression slips back into a professional one, "But seriously, that was really good. Well, I think we've gotten one half of the chorus done. Now we just need to think about the other half."

The three of us all fall silent, as we start to think again. I run through the lyrics we've already got and try to think about what would match them, improving our main idea further. Eunbi fidgets, shifting around on the sofa, until her feet are resting on the back and her head is hanging over the side. Surprisingly, it's this positioning that sparks her brain and she gasps, before writing something down in her notebook. Eunbi passes the notebook to me and I stare at the scrawly handwriting for a couple of seconds, before speaking.

"Eunbi, I can't read this."

She groans, "It says, Even if winter comes again, Even if I'm blocked off, I will still walk, We are we are forever, bulletproof. My handwriting's not that bad."

I hand her back the notebook, so she can read what she's written.

"Really? Can you read what you've written?"

Eunbi stares hard and narrows her eyes, but a couple of seconds later, she pouts.

"Alright, fine, I can't read it. But in my defense, I did write it with my head upside down." She stops and then glances over at Ash, who's been watching us thoughtfully, "What do you think?"

Ash chuckles slightly, "I think you should sit up before you start getting dizzy. Your face is really red right now."

Eunbi rises back up, sitting on the sofa properly and she grimaces as soon as her head is upright.

"Dizzy." She manages to get out and I have to hold back a laugh. Working with Eunbi is always interesting.

Turning my mind back to what we're doing, I frown when I realise that Ash hasn't answered Eunbi's question.

"So?" I ask Ash, "What do you think of the lyrics?"

"They're good. It fits the theme we're going for, but I still feel like there's something missing in the chorus. Anyways, what we've got for now is good enough. I want to move onto Louder than Bombs, there's a couple of things that we need to tweak-"

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