You And Me

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Justin’s POV

This was so not good. One of my biggest fears actually came true. Somebody caught us… I was freaking inside and out and I could tell Jaden was too. He didn’t know what to do and there was the whole age difference that was a factor, if us both being male wasn’t bad enough. I just had to prepare myself, though. I loved Jaden with all my heart so if it came down to coming out of the closet and as a couple I was ready. Well... sorta. It wasn’t the public’s eye that freaked me out, well that freaked me out too, but what really scared me was Jaden’s dad. I think that will always be my biggest fear… Will… I couldn’t think about that yet, though. Not yet. I just wasn’t ready.

After Niall walked in on us, it was awkward… oh, so awkward. For the longest time we all just stood there in silence and stared at each other, that is until Niall finally spoke. He apologized for walking in on us then made a hasty retreat out of the room. Even though, we were about to get down and everything, it was a total mood crusher. And we decided to take a rain check. I hated not to finish, but I had no other choice. We did order room service and we just sat in bed together. We were quiet for a while, but Jaden managed to lighten the mood a bit with a joke about how the situation could have been worse. That it could have been more than just Niall but like my mom or something. At first I didn’t find it funny, but that genuine look on his face put me in a better mood. Man, I loved Jaden.

Before he left, we kissed for a bit and we decided that whatever happened after today, we would still stay together and stay strong. I knew I was going to stick to that. I loved him and I was ready to make it public whenever it came down to it.

Once he left, the day went as planned… I went to the talk show taping with One Direction and a few other groups where we talked about the charity event. Even though, I tried my best to stay focused, I couldn’t. I kept glancing over at Niall, who seemed the same as usual. Our eyes may have met once or twice, but whenever that happened he quickly looked away to one of the other One Direction boys or to the host of the show. The fact that he would hardly look at me made me nervous. I couldn’t help but to wonder what he was thinking or if he was going to tell anyone. Would Niall tell anyone? I hoped he wouldn’t… I really hoped he wouldn’t and I don’t think he would. We were friends. Hopefully, that meant something.

Once we were done with the show, the One Direction boys and I, all went back to our hotel and had breakfast. We hung out a bit until they excused themselves to go do something or another. Before Niall left, I pulled him aside and asked to talk to him. The other boys paused for a bit, especially Zayn, I noticed, before they left as well.

As the door shut behind them, Niall and I just looked at each other for a bit before I could finally speak up.

“About this morning…” I trailed off. I wasn’t sure what to say; how to say it. Man, I just didn’t know what to say. The look on my face must have said it all because Niall spoke up.

“It’s alright, mate. I didn’t tell anyone… and I won’t.” He assured me with a smile on his face.

I was so confused. How could the blond be just so okay with it? He didn’t ask any questions or anything. I just couldn’t figure it out and apparently my confusion and disbelief read through as Niall suggested that we sit down to talk. All I could do was just staring at him. “Why is this… okay with you? It’s like… you don’t care at all.” I replied unsteadily after a few moments.

Niall just chewed on his lip, thoughtfully, as I could tell he was trying to decide on what to say. His gaze left mine and looked everywhere except for me. Something was off and it just unnerved me. What was going on? Did he already know? Is that why he didn’t care? We were so careful until now, though. I was sure no one was suspicious. I thought for sure that the public just thought we were friends…. Did Niall pick up on the longing looks of love somehow, though?

Faerie Tale (Justin x Jaden)Where stories live. Discover now