Author's Note!

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Okay, don't worry, there will be an update soon... Like in a hour or so. This isn't a "I'm going to cancel/discontinue Faerie Tale" note. I could never do that. It's seriously my baby... First fanfiction I made and all. But what this is, is sort of like a poll so I don't have to mutt up the actual new chapter with a huge author's note in the beginning/end.

So quite a few people have been asking me when I'm going to finish Faerie Tale and if there's going to be a sequel and all that. This author's note is about that. I would love to make a sequel and I guarentee that there is going to be some sort of sequel/spin off to this story. The question is what do you all as the fans and readers of this want to see when Faerie Tale ends (which might be in like ten or so more chapters)?

A) I can make a sequel soley dedicated to the romance of Justin x Jaden aka Jastin probably for when the public find out about them and other drama as I come up with it and such without too much continuation of the Diggy romance story.

B) I do A, but with the Diggy romance too equally... So like there will be Diggy POVs as well.

C) I can make a spin-off (mini or not) for the romance of Diggy and his love interest(s) which will still have Justin and Jaden in it as well... Just not as the central focus point.

D) I do a prequel to Faerie Tale. I'm not exactly sure what it would be about other than the extension of Faerie Tale's Prologue/First chapter, so it'd most likely be a mini-fic... 

So there you have it. Tell me what you think in a comment or inbox me or whatever you feel like doing. I just know I can't let Faerie Tale end with just one book. Also, another choice would be for me to write an AU Justin x Jaden love story as well... accompanied by some other pairing/ship. In fact I might even do that along with one of the above options if you guys want... There is seriously not enough Jastin love out there and it's definitely my baby OTP. 

Until next time~ I hope you like chapter 11 that's almost done... It's a bit choppy/bleh.. though... I was having the hardest time getting started on it and it just wasn't flowing right but it's getting better... So yeah, it'll be up soon. < 3

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