I Need To Know

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Soo... Soo.... Sorry about this being so late. I've been busy and mega blocked for this, but now I actually have some ideas to add Diggy permanently to the story since I have some ideas for a side pairing with him in addition to the Ziall! You'll see why after you read the chapter. It's important that you read the author's note at the end and give feedback if you want to have a say in the pairing! Lol. Anywho, I hope you love this... Even if it's a filler chapter, really only important to the Diggy greatness.

Jaden POV

It didn’t take Diggy too long to come get me, which I was very thankful for. If he took any longer, I felt like my dad would come out of the house and see me. I didn’t want to face him just yet… I knew I had to, eventually, of course, but it was just so hard. I cussed him out and talked about how large my boyfriend’s dick was, not to mention revealing that I was a bottom – as if it wasn’t obvious when it came to Justin and I actually really liked it better that way. But that’s a different story.

“Okay, Jay. What’s going on?” Diggy asked me once I was in the car.

I was sort of relieved that he could tell something was up with me, but then again I wasn’t sure if I was ready to tell him what was going on. What if he reacted like my dad did? Then where would I be? Oh, that’s right. I would be right where I started with no one to talk to since Justin and the other guys are in New York for the week. As I thought about my choices, I bit my lip and stared out the window, quite unsure of what to do.

“Now, I know something’s up….” He trailed off, occasionally glancing over at me then back at the road.

“Promise ya won’t freak out on me?” I waited for him to stop at a stop sign and nod for m to continue. “So… well… My dad caught me making out with someone…”

“That’s it? That’s no big deal, what’s he s-”

“No…” I cut him off, shaking my head. I took a deep breath, deciding that it was now or never. “He caught me making out with…. A guy… More specifically, Justin Bieber, who just so happens to be my boyfriend… going on two years.” There I said it. Now that the words came out, the rest of the story seemed to flood out. I told him all about the fight, how my dad smacked me, called m a faggot, tried to throw Justin out, the “large cock” comment, how Justin wanted us to get a place together when he gets back, everything. When I was done, I looked over at Diggy who just looked stunned, like he didn’t know what the hell to say. After a minute or so, he put on the Caution lights and turned the engine off.

“Wow… So… um… Damn.” He let out a breath and just leaned back in his seat. At least he didn’t seem like he was going to call me a faggot and to get out of the car. Though, it was still too soon to tell…

We stayed silent for a bit, him just sitting there looking like he was thinking really hard and me just fidgeting in my seat, not sure what the heck to do with myself. I looked over at him and was about to say something, when he broke the silence first.

“So your gay then?”


“I definitely wasn’t expecting that. At all.”

“Yeah…” This was just so awkward. I felt like maybe I should just get out of the car and leave, maybe confronting my dad would be easier? Yeah, no. I’ll take the awkwardness any day.

“Well… I’m cool with it. Your still the same Jay, right?”


“Well it’s all good then. Justin’s a cool guy, I can see why you dig him so much.”

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