What They Been Waiting For

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See! I'm trying to be better now... Another update already in less than a week! This is like the title says what you guys have been waiting for... Also if you haven't noticed all the chapter titles are song titles... They're usually Jaden Smith and/or Justin Bieber songs including covers they have done together, with some exceptions... But with Diggy joining the cast I decided to title them some of his songs... It really just depends on what song I feel best goes with what's going on... And no longer stalling, this is the reaction chapter with some surprises... and new characters being introduced. Thank you @MasonxMane for inspiring some new ideas that will make this story longer, even though, you probably didn't realize it~ And also thanks for being the first to actually want to be put in the story. I never thought about it before, but it's actually a pretty cool thing. I might add a few more big fans to it too.... Anyway, I hope you enjoy this chapter~

Jaden’s POV

“H-hey…” I stammered out the best greeting I could muster up. I stared at him as he just stared at me with a look on his face that I couldn’t quite make out. It looked as if he was going to hit me, but he also looked like… I don’t know. It wasn’t really quite disgust and if I didn’t know any better I’d say it was almost like regret? Maybe he was sorry for hitting me… or acting like I was the most disgusting thing in the world? I was about to say something else when my mom came out of nowhere and stood by my dad. Willow was next to her and she gave me a small smile before she ran over to me to give me a huge hug.

“If you ask me, I think you and Justin are perfect for each other.” She whispered in my ear so only I could hear it. I smiled back at her and hugged her back before my mom told her to go to her room.

“We need to talk, Jaden.” My mom’s voice was soft and loving unlike my dad’s when he caught me and Justin going at it yesterday.

I was unsure of how to respond, so I just nodded and followed them into the living room. We all sat down, me on one side and both of them on the love seat looking over at me. The way they were looking at me was really making me nervous like antsy nervous… More nervous than I had ever expected to be. Then my dad spoke… his words shocked me, for sure.

“I’m sorry.” He simply said. So he was regretful? I watched him as he sighed and rubbed the back of his neck. “I handled the situation wrong… I realize that now. And if you… you’re gay… then I’ll grow to accept that…” His words made my face light up. I couldn’t believe it. He was actually accepting me? I was so happy to hear it now I could just be with Justin and be open about it. Well… I wasn’t sure if we were ready to come out to the press and fans, but our families were the first step in all that. With their support, I’m sure the public won’t be as bad… And to make things better, my mom was smiling too, but it didn’t seem to completely reach her eyes, for some reason.

“But… We don’t want you dating Justin.” My mom of all people added.

My eyes widened at that and my happiness disappeared completely. Were they serious? So they could accept me being gay, but Justin was out of the question? What was wrong with this picture? They had to be joking, right? Because there was no way that this made any sense at all. “You’re… joking right? What’s wrong with Justin?” I wanted answers, no I needed answers.

“Jaden…” My dad sighed, looking a little stressed.

Oh, no he didn’t. He had no reason to be stressed out; I was the one that should be stressed and freaking out. They were telling me I couldn’t be with Justin, not to mention that just yesterday all that stuff happened… It wasn’t pretty and still a bit sore from that. “What? I don’t see how you can act like you didn’t do anything to me yesterday! If it wasn’t for Justin-“ I didn’t get to finish as he cut me off.

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