Lay It Down

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Hello again, guys! I can't believe this story has over 1,000 reads! Yay! You guys are amazing and I love you all! Because of the loads of reads and comments/votes and well because this is late, there's sexy time in this chapter! Okay, so I'm not the best at doing smut aka sex scenes... But I tried my best and I wanted to treat you all with uninterrupted Jaden x Justin love making! If you don't like boyxboy action, well I have no clue why you're reading this... But I put a warning before it starts and after it ends, so you can just skip it if you so choose to. Anyway, let me know what you think like if it's good or bad or what... If it's bad, I won't write anymore sexy time, I suppose... But as always, vote/comment/fan/follow! And as always enjoy!

Love you all~

Chapter 6

Jaden’s POV


The morning came much too soon. I woke up feeling sore all over and miserable. Sure, I felt comfort from being in Justin’s arms, but I knew it would come to an end soon. Once Justin and the boys left to New York, I would have to go back home… The mere thought scared me like crazy, but I knew I couldn’t run forever. I couldn’t be a coward! I had to face this thing with my dad and not back down. No matter what he said, I was still gay and I was still in love with Justin. It was just as simple as that. I tried to convince myself that it was just his shock that made him lash out, but I wasn’t sure anymore. I wished I could flee with Justin and One Direction to New York, but I couldn’t… No, I had school tomorrow since today was Sunday and then again there was the movie. That was the key to how I was going to make it through the week, though. All I had to do was to throw myself into school and the movie and avoid my dad like the plague. It was possible, right?

“Are you okay, babe?” I heard Justin’s voice filled with concern ask me. I looked up at him and put on my best smile, nodding.

“Yeah… I’m just thinking.” He frowned and sighed as he leant down and kissed my forehead. I sighed myself after a moment and looked over at the clock. It was almost ten in the morning and I had a feeling that my time with my boyfriend was dwindling. “When’s your flight?” I asked softly.

I almost thought he didn’t hear me because he stayed silent for so long. I was going to repeat the question when his grip on my waist tightened and he took a breath. “Noon.” He simply replied.

Frowning, I buried my head in his bare chest and sighed. I don’t know why, but I felt like I was going to cry again. I just felt like everything was going to end and I just couldn’t control my emotions anymore. What was wrong with me? I was acting like he was leaving me forever… It’s just going to be a week. But I already missed him like crazy and I didn’t want him to leave me. How needy was I?

“Jay…. It’s only a week. I’m going to call, text, Skype. Hell, I’m going to everything in my power to get back soon as possible.”

I loved how he just knew what I was thinking. His words made me smile and I leaned up to kiss his lips tenderly. “Yeah, I know… I’m just gonna miss you like crazy, y’know that right?”

“Of course, you are! Probably gonna miss my ‘big cock up your ass.’” When he quoted what I actually had the nerve to say yesterday, I couldn’t help but burst out laughing, him following me behind in laughter. I still can’t believe I said that to my dad. What was I high or something? Thinking back on everything I said, I was shocked. Sure everything I said was true, but I could have said it differently. I didn’t have to tell my dad about our sex life and all that, but I just got so mad that he was basically telling me it was wrong for me to be in love with Justin just because he was a guy or white or whatever it was that he was so pissed about. I didn’t care what he had to say, I loved Justin with all my heart and nothing he was going to say was going to change my mind.

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