My Boyfriend

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I hope you guys enjoy~ Make sure to take a look at the Author's Note before this!

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Thanks for reading, I love you guys. < 3 

Chapter 11

Jaden POV

Today was finally the day! I set my alarm clock and everything so I would be awake and ready to go meet Justin at the airport. It was more difficult to swing than it normally would have when my parents didn’t know about everything… but I had to make it happen. So yesterday I stayed the night over at Mason’s house and I convinced Diggy to come pick us up this morning. Over the past few days, Mason and I have been getting along and his plan seemed to be working. He had been coming over more and my parents instantly started to think that I was dating him. They didn’t even ask me if I broke up with Justin or anything, they just assumed… It bugged the crap out of me, but I couldn’t say anything about it. I had to play along. For as long as they were considered, I was talking to Mason. I just let them assume and think anything else from there.

The only problem now was that I still needed to tell Justin about the whole… beard thing. I had no clue how he was going to react and that had me worried. I couldn’t chicken out now, though. I had to tell him. I had just rip the Band-Aid off… It was better to tell him than for him to find out from someone else or by some picture from the paparazzi or some crap like that. I could do this. I had to.

When my alarm went off, I was already awake. I had been for maybe thirty minutes or so. I just couldn’t stay asleep knowing that I’d be seeing my baby soon. Turning off the alarm, I got up from the air mattress and started to get ready starting with the longest and most relaxing shower ever. Once I was done and ready, I’ll admit that I spent longer than necessary staring at myself in the mirror, making sure that I looked amazing. I wanted to look perfect for Justin, I always do really. I know he tells me I look great all the time no matter what I’m wearing, but it’s just a bit of a compulsion, mostly when it comes to one of us being away for a while.

Thankfully, Mason didn’t take too long to get dressed and Diggy was already waiting for us when we finished. We didn’t eat breakfast because we were all going to get some when we picked up Justin. I was excited to see my boyfriend, but I’m not going to lie, I was starving too. All I know is that their plane better not have been delayed or something.

~ . ~ . ~

The waiting was ridiculous, seriously. I have no clue how Diggy and Mason just seemed to be so chill and sitting in the chairs talking about who knows what. I on the other hand was just antsy as I don’t know what. I couldn’t stay sitting for too long before I would just have to start walking around. Apparently he was coming in on a private plane so we got the waiting terminal blocked off for just us. It was great to have the privacy, that was for sure. I knew that as soon as I saw my boyfriend I was going to just pounce on his sexy ass. It wasn’t like I had to hide it in front of Diggy and Mason, so it was perfect.

“It arrived.” Diggy announced. I looked over at him, wondering how he knew and he just pointed to the sign over the tunnel that answered my question for me.

Ignoring his head shake, I just got up from my seat once more and went over to where he would be coming out of. After maybe a minute or two, I saw his gorgeous self. My face lit up and I started to run towards him so I could jump on him and kiss him and really just have my way with him- or at least a preview of what was definitely going to happen when we got some time alone- but then I froze when I saw he wasn’t alone. What the-

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