5 Letter Word

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New Chapter! See I'm trying to be better when it comes to updating. Anyway, I don't have much else to say... So enjoy the chapter~! Vote/Comment/Fan or whatever as long as you enjoy it. And let me know what you think if you want.

Love all my readers~<3

P.S: And I kinda feel like I should be like pretty much everyone else and come up with some sort of cute/random petname for you all... The 54 fans I have (which I'm so happy about) and readers... I'll think on that. 

Jaden’s POV

“Hey, Jay.”

“Hey, Mason….” I trailed off as I looked at my neighbor. This was just going to be so awkward, I could feel it. He was smiling at me and I started to feel a bit self-conscious by the look in his eyes. The expression on his face just screamed something to me, something around the lines of him liking me and liking the idea of my parents trying to set this up. That look just had us staring at each other. It wasn’t like those longing gazes that I’d share with Justin where I just couldn’t tear my eyes away, no, at least not for me it wasn’t. It was more of me just being awkward and having not a clue on how to deal with this situation. Diggy had my back, though. I should have known he would and I would so have to remember to thank him after he opened his mouth and spoke.

“Jaden has no manners, I see. I’m Diggy.” My friend smiled at the other even though, Mason probably already knew such a fact. That was the thing about being in the public’s eye. You couldn’t really introduce yourself to someone without them already knowing. When that did happen, which could be quite rare depending on how famous you are and it was great to me. Humbling.

“It’s nice to meet you. I’m Mason.” The boy said with a smile on his face.

I just felt so awkward that I didn’t know what to say so I just sat there, biting my lip and trying to ignore the fact the guy was sitting a bit too close to me. Thank you, mom and dad now this was going to be awkward and I no clue what to do about it.

“You guys should go have some fun; dinner will be ready in an hour.” My mother announced out of nowhere. She smiled at me and Mason before she went off to the kitchen. I so hate my life right now. I know I shouldn’t be acting so cold to the guy, it’s not his fault that my parents are… messed up. Besides we were friends before all this. I just had to remember that.

“So… let’s just go to my room?” I suggested, my words sounding more like a question than I meant it to. As I got off the couch, Mason quickly got up as well and followed behind me as I led them to my bedroom. Hopefully this didn’t come to bite my in the butt in the end. We probably should have stayed in the living room… but then there would be my parents peering over my shoulder making sure that I was abiding by their request and trying to give Mason a chance. Yeah, my room was a good idea then.

Once we entered my room, Diggy shut the door behind us and I plopped down on my bed. Only for Mason to sit down next to me as well. Hearing a chuckle, I looked over at my supposed best friend and he was laughing at the whole deal. I rolled my eyes at him and he just shrugged, taking a seat on the floor in front of my bed.

“So…” Now it was Mason who decided to break the awkward silence. I’m not sure if I was grateful or not. He was my friend… I just needed to remember that. “Um… Is it true?” He continued, looking at me curiously.

Cocking my eyebrow up, I looked at him. I had a feeling what he was talking about, but I just wanted to play dumb. “Is what true?”

“You know… about… you being gay?”

Faerie Tale (Justin x Jaden)Where stories live. Discover now