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I usually don't like writing late at night because dependin on how tired I am, things get special... And not so much a good way. If there's a bunch of errors/typos I apologize in advance. I just had to get it out because off all the comments you guys have sent me. I enjoy every single one, seriously. 

Anyway, to keep things short and sweet here's chapter 13~! You know the drill: read/vote/comment/fan/feedback/do whatever you want to do as long as you keep enjoying this. It mean a lot to me and I love ALL my Reese's Pieces (silent and loud opinionated ones. You all know who you are!) <3

Justin’s POV


I know I said I wouldn’t do anything crazy and all, but when I saw that punk actually try and shake my hand, I just snapped. Him winking at my boyfriend just sent me over the top though. It was like he was coming to me, telling me he kissed Jaden, didn’t care what I thought about it and wanted to do it again. I’ll admit it was the wrong thing to do and I do feel bad about going back on my word with Jaden, but in that split second, I stopped rationalizing everything and just acted on impulse. It wasn’t until after the fact when I looked at the kid, sprawled out on the ground, clutching onto his jaw that I calmed down. Well that and all the looks on everyone’s faces. I did just announce that I had a boyfriend… They clearly figured out I was talking about Jaden by the way they looked from me to him. This wasn’t good… At least I didn’t have to lie about who my “girlfriend” was, though. That was sort of a plus…

Before any of them could question anything, Jaden’s voice spoke up first. “Let’s head to Diggy’s suite before you guys start askin’ a bunch of questions, alright? Cool. Let’s go.” He wasn’t really asking anyone if it was fine with them, he was outright deciding for us. It was definitely not the right time, but when he said that, it was pretty hot. I can’t help the fact that I’ve been away from his sweet touch and him in general for a whole week… I know what needs to happen after we explain everybody everything, though.

Diggy nodded not saying a word like everyone else as Jake helped Mason, the homewrecker supposed “beard” up from the ground. Once everyone was in Diggy’s Escalade, a bit packed in the back seat, we left the parking lot. I was glad that they parked where no one would be at, there would be no telling what would happen if it got out to public. It’s one thing to have to explain to your close friends, but a whole other thing to a world of haters and critics. I had enough of that crap when Selena and I ended our “relationship.” Now that was fake on my side anyway, she still doesn’t know that I was only using her to keep up appearances.

About an hour later, thanks to traffic, the longest and awkwardly silent car ride was over and we were in Diggy’s suite. Some of the staff gave us some looks, but quickly dropped it when they realized who we all were. Jake and Kendre were getting ice from the room’s decent sized kitchen for Mason while the rest of us sat in the living room, still in silence. Once the three of them came back, they sat down on in various places all staring at Jaden and I. At that point, I didn’t even care, being as bold as to hold my boyfriend’s hand while I glared at the punk I punched.

“Now will someone tell us what the hell is going on?!” Kendre asked, confused look on his face. I stared at him a bit, watching him shake his head and definitely notice the fact that I was holding Jaden’s hand.

“Well… you already figured I was dating someone--” I start before Kendre, of course, interrupts me.

“Well Na’ll duh Sherlock. Anyone can tell ya sprung as hell.” He pointed out, earning a few chuckles out of pretty much everyone. I smile at him, grateful that he eased the tension in the room. He was good, I’ll give him that.  He really is a great friend.

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