Chapter 8

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(Rose told the Plant Heroes about the Darkness infecting Spudow's arm and now it's spreading more than ever before! Crazy Dave told Dr. Zomboss about what happened and wants the Zombie Heroes to check on Spudow. When the Zombie Heroes got here and Wall Knight who is worried about him, Spudow start to go crazy and insane. He was possessed by the Darkness! The Zombie Heroes get ready to battle Spudow! Instead of battling him like they did with cards, they do a Rap Battle and try to free Spudow! This is going to be interesting!)

(I'll give you a hint: It's something that all rappers do in a Rap Battle.)

Third Person POV

The next morning...

Everyday is like the same day. Fighting and making some friends. Each side wants to be best friends. Like Sunflower and Scientist. They've been best friends during Garden Warfare. So like nothing bad is going to happen, right?


Rose had explained to the Plant Heroes about Spudow. He's been acting very strange when something possessing him. It was the Darkness and it's spreading onto him. Causing him to turn into a mindless, evil Plant Hero.

"The Darkness is spreading?!" Grass Knuckles said in shock. "This can't be good." "Yeah, and it's harming him. We have to stop it!" Cactus said.

Some of the Plant Heroes went to find Spudow. While they're doing so, Crazy Dave calls on Dr. Zomboss and said. "Hey Zomboss! There's a new evil threat spreading throughout the world! It's causing to turn them into their evil selves when one of them touches it! You need to send the Zombie Heroes!"

Dr. Zomboss' POV

Crazy Dave needs my help because of a new evil threat is spreading? Ridiculous! I turned away from him.

"How should I help? You're the one that ruined my life!" I said, being so annoyed by him.

"Please Zomboss! I'm asking you as a friend!" Crazy Dave yelled into my monitor. I felt a heart skipped a beat as I turn to him. "A friend?!"

"Yes. That's why I need you. Please?" He pleaded. I feel my eyes sting as I wipe off my tears. How can I...? I..... I have him. "I'll see what I can do." I said in a quiet tone.

"Really?! Oh thank you, thank you, thank you!" Crazy Dave smiled so happily. I never seen him so happy before. "I'll go send the Plant Heroes." He said before turning his phone off. I turn the microphone on and get all of the Zombie Heroes attention.

"Ahem! Attention Zombie Heroes! There has been a evil threat spreading all around the world! You'll find Spudow in the mines. Now, go free him and be careful! Who knows what kind of danger he's in!"

All of the Zombie Heroes nodded in agreement and head to the mines. I don't know what I feel after I get a call from Crazy Dave.

Was it...something that I need? As friend...?

I wish I can help him right now...

Wall Knight's POV

I head into the mines. Something was definitely wrong about Spudow. As I head deeper into the mines, I hear a voice that sounded sad. I followed the sound and found Spudow! He was in pain of the spikes. How terrifying.

"S-spudow..." I call out to him. He start to shiver in fear of how I would react to him. "Please... leave me alone..." Spudow said, shivering from the spiky pain. I walk closer to him. "Spud-" Before I could say anything, Spudow slash me with his sharp claws! "I said, LEAVE ME ALONE!!!"

I cry out in pain as I got hit in the progress. I didn't react in my armor in time. I felt tears in my eyes, starting to fall. Spudow saw me, terrified by what he did to me. "W-wall Knight..." Spudow said in a worried tone.

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