Chapter 19

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(All Heroes have been saved from the Darkness! Now everyone has to get the Backyard Battleground and then Professor Brainstorm will teleport everyone to Trickster's secret lair. The Final Boss awaits them!)

Professor Brainstorm's POV

"I did it... I actually did it!" I said in a confident smile as I built this teleporter to teleport us to Trickster's secret lair. "This should do the trick. After we stop him, I'll do my victory dance to celebrate!" After some readjustments, I put it in my pocket and head outside to the Backyard Battleground where everyone will be gathering here.

The Smash's POV

I was at the Backyard Battleground with Solar Flare, Green Shadow and Captain Combustible. It it the middle of the night, but I see some light coming from the horizon.

I have to keep staying awake even if I have to keep my guard up. Something is troubling me though. I do have my best times and the worst times. I love my new best friend, but what about the Big Stump. I miss him so much about him.

Even thinking about him just makes me shred a tear from my eyes. I couldn't stay awake much longer as I fell asleep on the ground.






Open your eyes...

I hear someone...someone familiar to me... I open my eyes slowly and see something in front of me. I lift my head and saw him in my dream again.

"Big Stump...?"

Hey Smash! It's been a while.

I got up and rub the back of my head.

"I'm in a dream again. But why?"

I want to see you like I am always been here. Also, that Trickster guy hasn't given up so I wanted to give you courage.

The Big Stump hugged me and I hug him back. I was happy to see him again, but I'm still worried about him.

"Big Stump?"

Yeah Smash buddy?

"I'm still worried about you. I mean, you're a spirit and I can see you on the outside world and inside my mind. Are you sure you're ok with me having a new best friend?"

The Big Stump let go and look at me.

Smash... I told you. Don't worry about me. I'll be fine. You just need to worry about yourself and your best friend.

Trickster is in his secret lair, so now's your chance to stop him from taking over the world. Here, I'll give you something to help you out.

He gave me this leaf. A Golden leaf that represents courage and bravery.

This is a Golden leaf. It'll help you out with your fear. With that, you can overcome your fear and fight against Trickster and save the world!

The Big Stump put the Golden leaf on my hand. I put it on my belt for safekeeping. Then I hug the Big Stump.

"Thank you Big Stump. You're a true best friend."

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