3: stalking

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Kuroo awoke to mid-morning sunlight streaming through the slats of his blinds, painting the room with golden stripes

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Kuroo awoke to mid-morning sunlight streaming through the slats of his blinds, painting the room with golden stripes. He rubbed a fist into his eyes to clear the haziness from them.

Saturday... apart from procrastinating on his assignments, he had no plans today. I'll call Kenma and see if he wants to play video games together.

He searched for his phone before realising it was tangled up in his bed sheets. Sliding it open, he was affronted with with his Instagram feed still open from last nights... um, events. He switched to the keypad and typed in Kenma's number.

The other boy always had his phone handy, so he picked up by the second ring. "Hello?" he mumbled sleepily — presumably tired from playing minecraft until the wee hours of the morning.

"Hey, Kenma, wanna bully kids on Roblox at your place today?"

Kenma sighed. "I can't. Mom's dragging me to a family lunch."


"Im gonna kill myself if I have to socialise," he muttered.

"Don't, you'll be fine," Kuroo reassured his friend down the line.

"Uggghhhhhhhhhhhhh— I have to go get ready. Bye." Kenma hung up before Kuroo could say goodbye.

Kuroo sighed and returned to the Instagram app to waste some time mindlessly scrolling.

His eyes lit up when he saw your profile appear at the top of his feed with a pink circle around it. She added to her story! He clicked on it eagerly to be rewarded with a full-length mirror selfie of your outfit, tiny white words stating 'fit for shopping in the city 2day!'.

She's going into the city?


I couldn't...

Could I?

An idea was already fabricating itself without his permission. It seemed harmless, really. It couldn't hurt anyone, and technically he wouldn't be doing anything wrong...

Before he could second guess himself, Kuroo had changed into jeans and a hoodie and shoved his phone and wallet into his pocket.

He walked out the front door, ignoring his father who was — as expected — a passed-out lump on the couch, a bottle of whisky in hand. The adult had been drinking for the past ten years, since Kuroo's mother packed up and left both of them when her son turned eight. His dad turned to alcohol to numb the pain of abandonment, while young Kuroo had been left to fend for himself in this cruel, harsh world.

Adapt and overcome, or you'll be left for dead.

Kuroo made it to the bus stop just in time to catch one headed for the city. Oh god, what am I actually doing? The chances of me even seeing her are slim. Y'know, I kinda needed to go into the city anyway... for some new dish soap... he tried to justify his actions.

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