16: car

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Something was off

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Something was off.

You noticed it in Kuroo's eyes that morning as he drove you to school. His usually sharp gaze was hazy, his movements slower, his catlike reflexes dulled — he nearly drove the car into the rear of another vehicle, slamming on the breaks way too close for comfort.


No reply.

"Kuroo?" you pressed again.

"Hm?" he hummed distractedly, his mind elsewhere.

"Are you sick or something?"

"Nah... just hungover."

"Oh, were you drinking again last night?" you asked in concern.

He nodded tiredly.

The school morning passed quickly, and when the lunch bell screamed, you made your way over to Futaba and Yuri's locker. You hadn't chatted with them for what seemed like ages, and you wanted to catch up on any gossip you'd missed out on.

When you approached, you saw your two friends huddled together with Naoka, talking in low voices. When Naoka spotted you, she smirked and ended the conversation abruptly, stalking away past you, shoving her shoulder into your chest for good measure as she left.

You clenched your fists but didn't react. "Hey, guys," you addressed Futaba and Yuri. "What's up?"

The two girls glanced at each other, before shrugging a little. "Not much. You?" Yuri asked, her tone cold and uninterested, so different from her usual happy self.

"Nothing really... what was Naoka just saying to you?" you asked worriedly.

Futaba folded her arms over her chest and raised one brow at you. "Why does it concern you?"

You were taken aback. "I think it concerns me plenty that you were talking to the girl who makes my life hell here!"

"Aw, why don't you just go ask Kuroo-senpai to protect you?" Yuri said condescendingly, making fake pouty lips and puppy eyes.


"Don't play dumb, y/n," Futaba sneered. "Ever since that popular upperclassman paid a sliver of attention to you, you've just abandoned us."

"That's not true!" you cried. "He..." you trailed off as you realised that from their perspective, it would seem like that. But in reality it was Kuroo who had dragged you away at every opportunity, isolating you from your friends. "Did Naoka put that idea into your head?" you demanded.

"So what if she did? We all know it's true," Yuri spat.

"Now we know why everyone's been calling you a slut," Futaba added. "A guy gives you his attention for a second, and then you're all over him."

"We just can't be friends with a whore like that," finished Yuri.

Tears welled in your eyes, stinging the back of your nose. "I- I have to go," you said hurriedly, turning on your heel and fleeing.

𝐋𝐎𝐕𝐄 𝐌𝐄 𝐌𝐎𝐑𝐄 | 𝐲𝐚𝐧𝐝𝐞𝐫𝐞 ! 𝐤𝐮𝐫𝐨𝐨 𝐱 𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫 |Where stories live. Discover now