8: movie night

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"Y/n, want to have a movie marathon tonight?" Kuroo suggested to you on the drive home from school

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"Y/n, want to have a movie marathon tonight?" Kuroo suggested to you on the drive home from school. "We haven't officially hung out as a couple yet outside of school."

"Oh, sure. My parents are out tonight and I have a huge DVD collection, so we can do it at my place?"

"Great!" Kuroo's house wasn't exactly fit to bring you over: there was mess piled in ever corner, overdue bills on every tabletop, dust in every crevice, and photos of you on every one of his walls. "Let's go get snacks from the store before we head back to yours."

"Okay!" you made an effort to match his enthusiastic, wholesome energy.

Kuroo pulled into the grocery store parking lot and you both got out of the car.

"Oh shit, it's gonna close in like fifteen minutes," he realised.

Run," you giggled, and you both sprinted across the parking lot in the dusky evening, holding hands and running with uneven footsteps.

"Quick, quick," he urged you, laughing behind his hand as you chose a trolley and rolled it towards the snack aisle. "Get in the trolley."

You obliged, clambering into the trolley while still snickering. Kuroo ran while pushing you in front of him, grabbing random snacks off the shelves and throwing them in with you.

"Drinks aisle," you said, cutely pointing with a finger in the direction.

"Yes ma'am." He rolled the trolley over to the cold aisle. "What drinks do you want?"

"Hmm," you pondered, "These ones,and these, ooh- and can we get these too?"

"Are you really going to drink all of those?" he shook his head incredulously.

"Please, pleaseeeee," you made puppy eyes at him.

"Fine, fine, anything for my girl."


"Okay, lets get out of here before we get locked in for the whole night." Kuroo wheeled over to the checkout and payed for the items, thanking the sleepy-eyed teenager at the register who looked like he desperately wanted to go home and sleep forever.

Kuroo helped you out of the trolley and grabbed the plastic bags.

The store is now closing, a robotic voice announced overhead.

You and Kuroo both ran out of the shop and into the parking lot, giggling like a pair of idiots. You were dizzy and exhilarated from laughing so much, high on the feeling of the pleasant evening air. Kuroo drove back to your house and you helped him to carry the bags out of the trunk, unlocking your door and collapsing onto your living room couch.

"I'll pour the snacks into bowls and get the drinks ready, okay love?" Kuroo sung from the kitchen.

"Yeah, I'll choose a movie," you called back, grabbing the remote off the coffee table.

Kuroo smiled and hummed to himself as he opened the packets of potato chips and lollies and emptied them into a couple of bowls he found in your cabinet. He opened a cupboard and pulled out two tall glasses and filled them up halfway with the first drink you'd chosen. He rummaged around a little more in the kitchen until he found the liquor cabinet and pulled out a clear bottle of vodka.

He tucked the bottle under his arm and balanced the bowls and glasses in his arms, coming out to find you sprawled out on the comfortable living room couch.

The ebony-haired male set the bowls and cups on the coffee table and patted the top of your head affectionately before sinking down onto the couch next to you.

He reached for a glass and handed it to you.

"Thanks," you smiled, bringing the rim up to your lips.

"Ah, wait." Kuroo pulled the vodka out from under his arm and unscrewed the cap.

Your eyebrows shot up. "Uh— how did you get that?"

"It was in your parents liquor cupboard," he said nonchalantly.

"Hey, they're gonna kill me if they think I took it."

He waved your concern away. "Don't worry, I'll leave some it the bottom and fill the rest back up with water. They won't even notice the difference."

"They'll notice if I'm drunk off my ass!" you hissed.

"You already said they wouldn't be home until tomorrow afternoon. That's plenty of time for you to recover. Besides," he smirked, "we're just spiking the drink a bit. C'mon, it's just gonna make the occasion a little more special."

You reluctantly held out your cup to him and he tilted the neck of the bottle to you, pouring the clear liquid into your drink.

He repeated the process with is own, and clinked the rim of his glass to yours. "To you, y/n." He tipped his head back and downed the drink. "C'mon, start the movie."


Three movies in, and you noticed Kuroo had kept topping up his cup with dashes of vodka, until it was just straight liquor.

I can't really judge him for that, though, I guess. It's not my place to say anything. And I'm sure it's not a problem. It probably just helps him relax.

Kuroo shifted on the couch and reached over to play with the ends of your hair lazily.

Oh. So he's getting touchy? He hugged me the day he asked me out but aybe he wasn't ready to kiss me then. Honestly he doesn't seem like he'd be unsure about affection towards girls. Maybe he was waiting to see when I was ready? Is he trying it out tonight? Am I ready for him to make a move? You bit your lip in thought. If he kissed me, I wouldn't mind. In fact, I'd be more than okay with it. Of course I would — he's my boyfriend. I'm not ready to have sex with him yet, but it's fine for what he's doing right now.

"Y/n?" Kuroo's deep voice cut through your spiralling thought process. "You look troubled."

You laughed nervously. "Sorry, it's nothing. Just overthinking."

"Overthinking what?"

You looked up at him through your lashes. "Um... you," you admitted.

He grasped your chin gently between his long fingers. "Don't think then." He leaned forward and pressed his lips against yours passionately. 

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