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Dabi's POV
Finally Toga, Twice, and I arrived back to the base. Honestly, I hated their version of 'fun'. They're version consisted of going out to eat, playing at an arcade, and/or window shoping. Whereas I find killing people and burning buildings down as MY entertainment. Toga released my arm and skipped into the base.

"I'm glad we're back," I sighed, "'Cause now I can go to bed."

"What? You mean you don't want to do anything else!" Toga whined.

"It's tweleve in the goddamn morning, Toga!" I called as I headed to my room.

As I made my way to my room, my eyes shifted to Shigaraki's door. His light isn't on anymore. Is he already alseep? Isn't it a little early for him to go to bed? I thought. Quickly, I shook my head harshly. Wait, why am I worried about Crusty? I decided to ignore the fluttering feeling in my chest and just continued to my room.

I kicked open the door and walked inside. My room alomst perfectly imitated the night sky outside, the city smell in the air, the total darkness. The only thing it was missing was the bright ass moonlight. I gazed over at the window. When I moved in here, Shigaraki set one rule; don't removed the curtains. That meant I couldn't open them at all, no matter what time of day it was. I mean, I could open the actual window, but I had to keep the curtains themselves shut.

I took a heavy breath and slipped off my shirt. I tossed it somewhere random and threw myself onto my bed. Thank God I'm back here. I thought. My hand felt around for the light, smoked inscented blankets. Once I grabbed hold, I pulled them over my shoulders and drifted off into a deep sleep.

Shigaraki's POV
Everything around me was black. I couldn't see anything, almost as if I had been blindfolded. As I stood in place, I caught a glimpse of a spark in the distance. A spark of blue fire.

"Dabi?" I asked.

The spark grew brighter. Soon, I realized that was because my feet were moving me towards the spark. When I reached it, I noticed a taller body frame far behind it. They looked like they were reaching out to me. I extended my own hand to them in an attempt to figure out who this person was.

But, then they began to shrink. As did I. When another flame flickered, I realized that we both had bandages wrapped tightly around our lower arms and upper wrists. His hair was now a bloody red color but his eyes were the same bright blue as Dabi's were. Every time the fire sparked, I could see the sparkling tears falling down his cheeks and off his chin.

"Please!" he croaked, "Help me!"

What? I thought. I opened my mouth to speak, but no words came out. What's going on? The child before me kept his hand out to me, but it was like he couldn't move at all. Suddenly, a fiery "X" shape appeared behind him. The kid slowly turned his head around. Another set of bright blue eyes appeared, glaring at us both with equal amounts of hatred. The red haired kid quickly ran over to me and attached himself to me. I stumbled back in surprise.

"I'm begging you!" he sobbed, "Don't let him hurt me!"

The fire appraoched us. A heavy-built hand reached out to us and I froze. Suddenly, everything went black again. When I snapped back to reality, I looked down in my lap. Dabi lay there, blood pooling out of his mouth and his chest. His hand rested on my face but his eyes looked so traumatized, so pitiful, yet full of pride.

"Don't leave me, dumbass." he wheezed with a smile.

"I won't." was the only thing that came out of my mouth. What the hell is going on? What happened to him? Once again, everything went black.

When I opened my eyes again, I woke up in my bed. In my room. I looked at my hands and realized that they were shaking. I felt my arms and sighed heavily. No bandages. I thought relieved. Just what the hell kind of a dream was that? My eyes shifted down to my hands. He was the dream. But why? Since when would I give a shit about him?

Since three years ago. half of my brain admitted. I growled and threw my blankets off of my small body frame. I guess I forgot to change before I went to bed because I was still in the same long sleeved black shirt and baggie pants from the day before. The night sky creeped into my room, but ignored it and headed for my door.

I opened the door and slipped out. At this time of night, the whole base was silent. Not a soul dared to wander these halls. If anyone was awake, they would be in their rooms finding some way to keep themselves entertained. I sighed offly and began to scratch at my neck. When I got to the bar, the hissing sound of Kurogiri's mist echoed in front of me.

"What are you doing awake, young master?" he asked me.

"You know, I don't even fucking know." I groaned, throwing my head on the table, "I just want a beer."

"Are you sure? It is 2:30 in the morning." he sounded concerned as he talked.

"Yes I'm fucking sure!" I snapped.

Kurogiri looked me in my eyes for a moment before sighing softly. He bent down and pulled a beer bottle out from underneath the counter, sliding it to me. I snatched it and popped it open. As I took a long drink, my mind wandered back to the dream. If only I had known what had happened. Maybe then I could've provented it. I stressed.

"Are you alright, Tomura?" Kurogiri asked.

"I'm fine." I replied in between gulps.

Kurogiri gave me an off stare. He knew something was up, but I guess he didn't want to pester me about it because he didn't ask anything else. He kind of just stood there. As I finished off the beer, my head collapsed onto the counter followed by a growly groan. The puff of smoke I called my bartender burst into small laughter, but I ignored him.

God, what is wrong with me? I asked myself, closing my eyes.

What is Love?~~A ShigaDabi StoryWhere stories live. Discover now