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3rd Person POV
It had been at least 2 hour since the surgery had been finished. Dabi had been asleep the whole time because, confirmed by the doctors, he hadn't slept for about a few weeks to a month. Fuyumi and Natsou had been worried about him, but the doctors weren't allowed to let them see him. Because of the cops. They ordered them to stay away; that he's too dangerous and is to be locked up as soon as he can walk again.

Of course, knowing Dabi, wouldn't be that long.

Most of the scars on Dabi's wrists had stayed in place, but the doctors restapled them and cleaned them properly. They weren't scars that would easly heal sadly. Now, the third world's most feared villain was laying in a hospital bed, an oxygen mask hooked to his face. His breathing was short and shallow, close to how it was before.

A doctor led an officer into the room nervously. The authority glared down at the young male with mixed emotions of angry, annoyance, and fear. The doctor turned to the computer hooked up on the desk.

"His heartbeat is as regular as we're going to get it, Sir." she told him in a weak voice.

"Good." the officer began to walk towards the door, "Wake him up. I'll bring Endeavour in so we can get going."

"Y-Yes Sir!"

As the officer slammed the door behind him, the doctor rushed over to Dabi. She shook his arms hastily. Dabi groaned in response, slowly waking up.

"D-Dabi," she started, "They're here for you."

Shit. Dabi nodded hazily and lifted himself up. The door to his room opened and a brute walked in. The villain looked up in shock and terror as the new number one hero, Endeavour, stood in the doorway. Dabi grit his teeth, all kinds of memories coming back. Highly unpleasant ones.

"Lets go." he said as bitterly as ice.

The doctor began unhooking Dabi from his machines. Once the last IV was removed, the scarred male rubbed his wrists. He could feel his father's hard glare in his, like an everlasting flame burning down a forest. His eyes shifted to him. You forgot one thing, Endeavour, flames burst into his palms, I'm not a child anymore!

Surprisingly swiftly, Dabi leapt into the air. A wall of blue covered his view as he slammed into the human fireball. Endeavour growled and snatched Dabi's wrist, injecting something into him. The villain yelled out in pain, falling onto the ground. The blue flames around and on him slowly disappeared, but the fire in his eyes didn't. Dabi's bright blue eyes shot daggers at the number one as he rose up from the hospital floor. He brushed himself off and turned his head to the left.

"Chain him up." he ordered.

Three S.W.A.T. members stalked into the room. They took both of the villain's wrists and slipped them into tight, iron cuffs. Dabi growled lowly in his throat as they cuffed his legs as well. They heaved him upright and dragged him out of the room, bringing him to Endeavour. The pro hero smirked evilly as he leaned down to face to face with the villain.

"I noticed your all alone. Where's your little "gang" at? Or could they not take your bullshit and threw you out!" he spat.

Dabi glared at the saliva dripping down his cheek. His eyes met back at the eyes that had haunted him all his life.

"I don't need those bastards anymore. I left them three years ago, dipshit, so it's unlikely you'll get any information out of me, Endeavour." Dabi said through his teeth.

Endeavour narrowed his eyes.


Dabi spit blood out onto the white, marble floor. The pro hero was theathing in anger at this point. He straightened himself and popped his knuckles.

"Sorry about that." he said to the S.W.A.T. members, "Loose habits."

Habits he used on us. Dabi countered. The officers nodded in understanding and followed the pro out of the hospital and into the van they had drove there.

Dabi's POV
As the officers dragged me through the prison's halls, I got many surprised and upset looks from the inmates that we passed. It honestly made me feel a little bit of respect. We've...I've probably made a great impact and am a great inspiration to the villains and criminals. My eyes wandered over to Endeavour, who was leading the officers to my cell. He looked irritated, probably as irritated as the bruise on my cheek.

Finally, after many dark hallways and hours of walking, he stopped at a hidden away cell. The officers walked around and threw me in. I glared at all three of the people before me as they slammed the cell's door shut. Endeavour smirked and grabbed one of the bars.

"You're rein is over, Dabi." he turned to the officers, "He is due for the electric chair tomorrow."

My eyes widened. The guards looked at each other nervously but nodded anyways. Without another word, Endeavour stalked away. Shortly after the guards followed. I swung my hands against the back wall of my cell and yelled out in anger as it hit the wall. Like hell I'm going down without a fight! I tried to conjure up the smallest flame in my hands, but nothing happened.

Shit! That crap he shit my with probably cancelled my quirk! I realized. Annoyance and anger was building up and I already knew the outcome wouldn't be pretty. Suddenly, in the minst of all the angst and anger, Shigaraki popped into his head. His annoying yet somehow cute laugh, his pale skin and complimenting blue hair, and ruby red eyes. That's what he always liked about his boss.

"If you need a break, I'm here to listen." Shigaraki's words rang in his head.

"But you weren't there." Dabi slumped against the wall, "You weren't there when everything happened. Maybe if you were, things wouldn't be like this. But, then again, if I hadn't had left, we wouldn't have had things go like this." I wonder if he watched the video? If he did, what did he think? He was probably disgusted; I mean, who would like someone like me? I closed my eyes and laid my hands against my forehead.

Guess this is my resting chamber.

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