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Shigaraki's POV
When I woke up again, I noticed that I was in my own bed again. The hell? I could've sworn I was at the bar last night. Did I get drunk or something? Honestly, it was too damn early in the morning to put all of this bullshit together. I rolled out of bed and swiped a black hoodie off of my floor, slipping off my shirt to replace it. I kept the pants on because why not, no one gives a rats ass about what pants people wear.

Yawning, I waded out of my room and down the hallway. The sound of cheers and supportive yells erupted from the main area of the base, almost surprising me. When I peeked in, I saw both Dabi and Compress sitting at the bar. Both of them had beer bottles lined up in front of them and each hand one in hand. Compress was swaying back and forth a bit as he downed his, but Dabi almost looked as if the alcohol didn't affect him.

"The hell are they doing?" I asked a concerned looking Kurogiri and a disappointed looking Spinner.

"Giving themselves alcohol-poisoning." Kurogiri sighed heavily.

"Compress challenged Dabi to a drinking challenge. Basically whoever downed the most bottles without passing out wins, and if you pass out then you immediately lose." Spinner explained annoyed.

"Morons." I muttered.

Toga started clapping quickly and giggling as Dabi slammed his bottle on the table. The second a cracking sound went off, Compress collapsed onto the table. Damn. I thought, sort of impressed.

"Dabi. If you would be so kind, don't break any of the bar's bottles. We're on limited supply thanks to you and I would not like to pay for anything else." Kurogiri said helplessly.

"Yeah, yeah, Fog-Face." Dabi's voice was slurred as he talked.

I shook my head in annoyance. They always find some way to damage themselves. I grunted to myself. Toga had to keep her hand on Dabi's back to keep him from falling over. But he just sat there, giggling and hiccuping his ass off. I rolled my eyes and began to scratch at my neck.

"It's too early for this bullshit." I groaned.

Toga and Dabi looked at me. The scarred male smirked and his head slammed onto the table but his smirk stayed. Our blonde villain gazed at him deeply before Spinner had to lead her away. It didn't take me long to see why.

Underneath Dabi's head, a pool of blood began to form. I cursed under my breath as I rushed over and hesitantly touched Dabi's arm with four of my fingers.

"Oi, Dabi!" I snapped, lifting him up with the help of Kurogiri.

"Heeeyyyyy, Crrrrustyyyyyy!" Dabi giggled.

The blood from his head dripped onto my shoulder as my bartender laid the scarred villain onto my back. I glared at him for a moment before grunting and heaving Dabi to his room. Which, may I remind you, was all the way down the fucking hall!

When we finally arrived to his room, I sat him down on his mattress. He swayed but stared at his floor. The blood trickled down his cheek, but it wasn't as bad as it had been. I looked around the room before swiping a set of bandages off his desk. Dabi lifted his head up and stiffened when he saw me.

"Please." he muttered under his breath.

"What?" I snapped.

"Don't. I-I'll be fine." He was still swaying a bit, but his voice wasn't as slurred as before.

"Dabi, you're fucking bleeding." I scoffed, wrapping the bandages.

"Look, I'm fine!" he hissed at me, standing up but instantly falling back onto his mattress.

He's wasted enough for him to not stand. I groaned in annoyance. I gazed down at the white bandages in my hand before sighing in defeat and tossing them at the foot of Dabi's bed. Without saying another word, I exited his room.

When I walked at least four feet away from the door, Kurogiri appeared before me. I yelped and stumbled back in surprise, catching myself on the wall behind me.

"You actually need to start warning someone when you're coming." I scolded him with a hiss.

"My apologies, young master." he bowed. His purple misted head glanced over at Dabi's door and he'd straightened himself again. "Is Dabi alright? You left his room in quite the hurry."

I rolled my eyes, "He's fine as he kept saying. However, he wouldn't let me cover his injury, so I didn't."

Kurogiri turned to me, more alert now. I ignored his burning gaze and focused on the floor. The sound of Dabi's drunk-ish, shaking voice came tearing back to me like the dust bowl. After staring at the floor for about almost ten minutes, I shook my head irritatedly and shouldered my way past Kurogiri.

"I'm going to...go make some battle plans. I'll be in my room if you need me," I hesitated by my door before turning to my bartender, "But, don't need me."

Kurogiri nodded to me simply and faded away. Sighing, I made my way into my room and slammed my door shut.

Dabi's POV
I stared at the bandages that laid beside me. They were motionless, but in my mind they were being held by someone. Someone with pale skin and cold temperatures radiating off of them. I looked up to see my mother with her concerned smile painted across her face. She took the white substance in her hands and began layering it around my head.

"You're so careless, Touya." she giggled helplessly.

"Mum-" I started.

When I reached out to touch her, she faded away. My hand dropped and ended up knocking the bandages off my bed. I stared down at my hands. Blue sparks sprouted out from my palms eventually growing bigger and bigger. I reached up to touch my face.

"Touya!" three children voices shouted at me.

They were...laughing.

The flames in my hand extingiushed. I whipped around to look behind me, but no one was there. This is what I get for drinking. I sighed, slumping my shoulders. The cold presents of my mother was gone now, but I could still feel something cold looking down upon me. Familiar, dreadfully familar, appear in my head. I winced and set my flame ablaze again.

There's no way to get rid of him. part of my whispered. I stared down at my fire. I grit my teeth and clenched my fist, instantly setting off the fire. To replace it, an overwhelming smell of smoke that would concern any mother washed over my hand. I shook it furiously and threw myself onto my back. Once again, I drifted off into an uneasy sleep.

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