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Shigaraki's POV
I stared up at the ceiling. As usual, it was blank as hell. A boring ass white color with specks of dust flying by here and there. Why the hell has it been so quiet today? I realized. I swung my legs off my mattress and walked over to my door, opening it. Small voices whispered in the bar as I trudged down the hallway. When I peeked my head in, Toga, Kurogiri, and Twice turned their heads to me. They looked...upset.

"What?" I asked, "Did I do something wrong?"

"No, no. It wasn't you, young master." Kurogiri sighed, "Please. Have a seat."

I cocked a brow. Cautiously, I made my way over to a stool in between both Toga and Twice. Toga gave me a soft, helpless look. Both villains in between me glanced at Kurogiri, who pulled a piece of paper out of his pocket and slid it over to me.

"If we needed groceries, you could've said so." I said bluntly, looking down at the paper.

My eyes widened.

To whom ever it may concern, or, the League,
As you may already have figured by now, I've took it upon myself to resign myself from the league. I know I'm not helpful what so fucking ever. I'm a useless weight that drag you all to the ground. I guess...I'm sorry? Wow, it feels weird apologizing! I've only ever done it to the bitch of a father I had halfway through my life. Speaking of which, I'm going to finish what that bastard started. If you see my on the news, don't come. I already know I'm getting myself into a losing battle. Oh, Shig, I left you something in my room. Fell free to snoop around 'till your hearts content! I guess...I'll miss you guys. See ya on the battlefield!

My hand covered my mouth as my eyes began to water. No! No, there's no way he left! Without speaking, I bolted out of my chair and dashed towards his room. I threw open the door, only to stare into an empty room. Well, villainless I should say.

Everything Dabi had pulled out was just where it had been the night before; clothes on the floor, bed a mess, the box pf photos on the ground. The only thing that was different about the room was that the glass mess was cleaned up now. I felt myself go weak. I leaned against the doorframe as my vision blurred by my tears.

"Shit!" I screamed, punching the doorframe.

The wood split where I punched. Soon after, it withered away like a log with mold growing on it. Kurogiri walked up behind me and grabbed my shoulder.

"He was gone before any of us had awoken. I'm sorry, Tomura, but none of us were able to stop him." he muttered to me.

"Get your hands off me!" I snapped at him.

My bartender snatched his hand away and held it close to him. I glared at him, visibly pissed off. I took one more glance around Dabi's before catching eye on a small VHS tape on his dresser. Curiously, as well as annoyed, I stormed over and swiped it off the dresser before leaving his room. I stormed into my room and slammed the door.

Quickly, I rubbed my eyes. It had been forever since I had ever cried, I forgot how useless it made me feel. Sniffling, I glanced down at the tape I held in my hands. Sure, why the fuck not? I walked over to my T.V. and insert the VHS tape into the slot. Static covered the screen for a moment before Dabi appeared. He seemed to be attempting to adjust the camera.

"Oh god, I hope this is working," Dabi backed away and ruffled his hair. He honestly looked kind of hot in the dim light of the flashlight beside the camera, "Uh, hey Shig- I mean Boss!"

Shigaraki crossed his legs, watching with interest.

"Look...I know I've been in a pain in the ass. I mean, I kinda did like teasing you. So, I guess I'm not THAT sorry about that!" Dabi grinned and it almost looked genuine, "But, in full honesty, I'm sorry I have to leave you like this. Just, take this as my own private goodbye to you. I- Oh god, this is a LOT harder than those stupid, teen love movies made this seem. Heh, thanks for that Toga. Anyways, I...I think I fell in love with you. About three years ago? I've forgotten at this point. But, anywho, I'll cut this short. I love you, Shigaraki, and if I wasn't so fucked up in the head, I'd tell you to your face. But, you've probably read the note by now. So, I'm sorry. And I love you; and I always will. So...uh...goodbye, Tomura Shigaraki."

And with that, the screen cut back. I didn't even realize the tears falling down my face anymore. He loved me? How? I ran a hand through my hair. Before I could take out the tape, another video cut on. This one, I was surprised I hadn't noticed it.

"Hehe, hey Shigggyyyy!" Dabi laughed, shoving the camera at my face.

"Ugh! Get that shit out of my face, Dabi!" I yelled, covering the camera up.

It cut off then changed to another video.

"Shig, Shig, Shig!" Dabi chanted

"Come out, Shigaraki!" the recorder, Toga, sang out.

Growling and flustered, I stepped out of the hallway in a black and white maid dress. Toga giggled and panneled the camera over to Dabi, who had stumbled backwards with a heavy nose bleed. Toga panned the camera to herself and smirked.

"Oh yeah," she shook her head smiling, "They're so gay."


"Wait, Young Master! Not out here!" Kurogiri shouted over the sound of withering and rot.

Then, the camera cut off. This time for good. I smiled softly and looked down at my hands. Dumbass. was all that came into my head. The VHS tape popped out of my T.V., but I ignored it. Maybe villains didn't have good relationships with their parents, like Dabi had. But, somehow, I had a feeling that that scar-faced bastard and I would have a good one. But, he wasn't here anymore.

Furiously, I began to scratch at my neck. I could feel the skin peeling away, but I didn't care. I wanted to bleed, I wanted to suffer, I wanted to not be confused anymore. He didn't even fucking tell us WHY he left! The hell does he want us to do; just forgot he ever existed?! How could I after what he recorded? I thought, staring at the ground.

After tearing at my neck for about ten minutes, I pulled my hand away and examined the blood that covered my hand. How fucking delightful. Sighing, I stood up and exited my room. Instead of going to the bar like I had originally planned, I trudged into Dabi's room. My body flopped onto his bed, hudling his smoke and ash smelling blankets against my chest. I squeezed my eyes shut and buried my face into them, letting my tears fall down freely now. 

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