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3rd Person POV
"So, you excited?" Shigaraki turned as Dabi spoke.

"Excited? Please; it's just another annoying time to deal with you." Shigaraki cackled.

"Wow. Rude." Dabi rolled his eyes teasingly.

Shigaraki shook his head and kept his eyes on the sidewalk. For some reason, tonight was very quiet. Not as many light were up inside buildings and apartments and it was very rare to see couples walked by. Shigaraki slipped out his phone and flicked it on. Damn, it's only 11:45! The villain sighed and shoved his phone back into his pocket. Dabi gazed down at the slightly shorter villain. Tonight, for sure. he nodded to himself.

Dabi glanced up at the sky. The flashing lights of airplanes taking off were on display by now, people either coming and/or going. He sighed. He always wanted to see the world, at least, the world outside of Japan. He was just afraid of the world noticing who he was and doing...well, what they did to him a month ago. When he got captured because of those stupid UA brats. Dabi groaned and ran his fingers through his ashy black hair.

"You good?" Shigaraki asked, "Not chickening out on me, are you?"

"Heh. As if."

Shigaraki folded his arms behind his head and laughed. Dabi felt himself smile as he looked ahead. The bright city lights began to come into view as the two continued on.

After walking around the streets for a while, Dabi turned to the slightly shorter male.

"You hungry?" he asked Shigaraki.

"A little."

The scar covered villain nodded. He pointed to a small diner off in the distance. Shigaraki looked over and shrugged as his scarred friend rushed ahead. He sighed helplessly and followed him towards the diner. Once they arrived, Dabi grinned and pushed the door open, slipping inside. Shigaraki caught the door behind him and adjusted the mask over his mouth. The warm light in the room was almost intoxicating. And the amount of people! That was just brutal.

"Hey!" Dabi poked him, making him jump, "You coming?"

"Yeah." Shigaraki muttered under his breath.

Dabi cocked a brow. He turned around so that he was in front of Shigaraki. The paler male adverted his eyes, pinning them to the ground. Dabi frowned, pulling Shigaraki's face to look at his.

"Come on. Talk to me." Dabi whispered.

"It's just over-crowded, okay!" Shigaraki pulled himself away.

"Ah, so you're an agoraphobic, huh?" Dabi crossed his arms and looked at Shigaraki up and down.

"I guess you could say that." the paler one shrugged.

Dabi sighed softly. He pulled something out of his pocket and handed it to Shigaraki, who stared down at them in confusion. The scarred villain rolled his eyes and took Shigaraki's hand. In the midst of the struggling and silent hissing, Dabi finally slipped on his friend's two-fingered gloves. The pasty one looked down at them.

"When did you-"

"I found them in my room. Guess you left them in there when you slept with me."

"Don't word it like that." Shigaraki grumbled.

Dabi snickered. He took Shigaraki's gloved hand into his and guided him up to the ordering counter.

-after ordering and getting their food bc that's too much detail ;3;-

The two walked outside. Out here, Shigaraki seemed less tense than he was inside the restaurant. That itself put a smile on Dabi's face. He put a hand over the slightly smaller one's shoulders as they walked, looking around. As Shigaraki finished up his food, Dabi kept gazing back at the rooftops. Everytime he did, he couldn't help remember when he and Shigaraki were stargazing and having fun. Just by themselves. No rules, no limits; just them and their imagination. He grinned.

"Come on!" he called to Shigaraki, pulling him along.

"Oi! Slow down, dammit!" Shigaraki protested.

Dabi laughed. He released his friend's hand and leapt onto a ladder, leading to a roof. He gazed down at the smaller figure below.

"Well?" he cooed, resting an arm on the ledge, "Up for some teenage nonsense?"

Shigaraki chuckled hoarsly, "You fucking weirdo."

He took Dabi's offered hand and climbed up the ladder. The scar-covered male then pulled Shigaraki close to him, a huge grin plastering onto his face. He stepped away, holding Shigaraki's hand the whole time. The LOV leader watched in confusion as Dabi started sprinting backwards. He muffled a gasp as Dabi neared a ledge. However, the scarred male leaned back and flipped onto the next ledge. Dabi rightened himself and bowed to Shigaraki.

"Show off!" Shigaraki called.

"Oh come on, Crusty!"

Shigaraki shook his head. He quietened the voice in his mind that kept saying he'd die; that he'd fall and splatter all over the streets below. But I won't. Because Dabi is on the other side! Taking a deep breath, Shigaraki ran as fast as he could, jumping the minute he felt nothing underneath him. And, for a nerve-wracking minute, the feeling of solitude was still missing. That was when he felt something snake around and support his back. Slowly, he peeked open one of his eyes.

Dabi stood there. He had one hand in Shigaraki's while the other held him up. The shorter blushed and let the scarred villain help him up. Before he knew it, he was being dragged again. Dabi stopped at another ledge, leading Shigaraki to it. The pastier villain, surprisingly confidently, jumped off of it and allowed Dabi to spin him around. When he landed, Shigaraki tripped and face-planted onto Dabi's chest. Dabi chuckled, watching Shigaraki pull away.


"Can I tell you something?" Dabi interupted.

Shigaraki turned to him, "Yeah. What's up?"

"Look, I know I've been shitty to you. But, in full honsety, you were the first real friend I have ever had! I know I left you and the others for so fucking long, and I don't know if I'll ever forgive myself for that. But I know you watched the tape. Or, I'm hoping you did. I...I still feel the same way about you. I- Ugh!" Dabi wiped his eyes quickly, "I-"

"I love you."

Dabi turned to Shigaraki. Small, diamond like tears were running down his face. Each one glittered brillantly in the soft glow of the moonlight. He looked like a masterpiece. Dabi's breath hitched, unsure if he should continue or not.

"What?" he finally mustered.

"I love you, you moron. I guess, I've never really known what love feels like. But, you helped me! You helped me to love!" Shigaraki put a hand on Dabi's cheek, "You love me; everyone says they see it. I guess I was too blinde and naive to."

Dabi bit his bottom lip in an attempt to keep his tears inside. He loves me! Dabi's mind shierked. Almost without thinking, Dabi closed the space between the two males. He pressed his lips against the slightly shorters quickly and passionatly. Shigaraki was tense at first, but he soon relaxed and snaked his hands around Dabi's neck. The two stayed like that for a good minute before pulling away.

"So," Dabi smiled, wiping away his tears, "Are we a 'thing' now?"

Shigaraki beamed and nodded, laying his forehead against Dabi's.

"Yeah. I gues we are."

The end!

What is Love?~~A ShigaDabi StoryWhere stories live. Discover now