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A/N: while reading this chapter, I recommend listening to Traitor by Olivia Rodrigo or Goodbye by BH (Bo Burnham). I put Goodbye in the top area, but if you would rather have Traitor, I recommend pulling up YT or Spotify -3-

3rd Person POV
"D-Dabi!" Shigaraki exclaimed.

He bolted up and held his hands up inncocently. Dabi glared at him before shifting his eyes down to the pictures in front of his boss. His body stiffened as he looked at Shigaraki again.

"Why the hell were you going through MY stuff?" the scarred villain barked.

"Well it's not my fault I can't keep my room clean or not have my precious things laying around!" Shigaraki yelled back.

The paler haired villain leaned down to pick up the pictures. But, before he knew it, the pictures whisped to dust in his grasp. Shigaraki gasped quietly as he yanked his hand away. Dabi yelled out something and rushed over. He tried to stop it, but they vanished quicker than his own fires could kill people. Shigaraki gazed down at his shaky hands.

"I-I'm sorry! I didn't mean to-"

"Get. Out."

Dabi kept his head down. Shigaraki stared at him stunned. He couldn't make any part of his body move, so he just stood in place. The scarred villain glared up at his boss and bared his teeth in anger.

"Oi! You have ears, I'm sure you fucking heard me!" His voice broke as he spoke. Small tears were visible in the corners of Dabi's eyes as he looked up at Shigaraki. "Get the HELL out of my room!"

"Who were they?"

Dabi stared at him, "What?"

"Who were those kids in the pictures?"

Dabi looked at him in surprise. Shigaraki just stared at him, waiting for an answer. Hell, he'd stand there for a week if he had to. If those pictures were important enough to make Dabi cry, he wanted to know who they were at least. Finally, Dabi sighed heavily and stared down at the dust before him.

"They were my family." he muttered under his breath.

"Well no shit, considering you had pictures with fucking Endeavour!" the paler haired male spat.

Dabi narrowed his eyes, "You don't fucking get it. It's not like I'd expect you to either."

"No, I don't." Shigaraki slipped down and sat in front of Dabi, "That's why I want to know."

Dabi glared at him. His blue eyes glimmered in the moonlight, but not in the way they used to. They were merciless this time; bone-shivering in a way.

"Like hell I'd fucking tell you anything, Crusty!"

Shigaraki shrugged, "Then I guess I'm staying here until you spill."

That did NOT set well with Dabi. He yelled out in anger and tackled Shigaraki to the ground. His breathing had got heavier with the now growing anger as he held his boss to the ground, his hands pinned above his head. Shigaraki squirmed and struggled, attempting to fight Dabi off of him. Which did not work.

And, well, when there's smoke there's fire.

Smoke curtled around Shigaraki's wrists followed by a burning pain. The villain under Dabi hollered out in pain, making Dabi blink in surprise. His eyes widened and he leapt off of the paler haired male, starring at his hands. When he looked at Shigaraki again, his head began to fuck with him. He saw Shoto, laying on the ground with a heavy wound on his arm. Tears flooded the back of his eyes as he covered his mouth.

"Shig." he whispered into his hand.

Shigaraki sat up and stared at his hands. By now, his wrists were bright red and bleeding. They looked almost as if they were withering already, but then again, it was obvious why. The paler male looked up at the scarred villain before him.

"W-What the actual hell?" he wheezed.

"I'm sorry!" he screamed, holding his hands.

Dabi fell to his knees. It was too much. Life was too much. If his father hadn't been such a hardheaded DICK, then nothing would have gone to shit! He would be with Shoto, trying to build up his own agency with his sister like they had always talked about. He would be with his mother, Rei, and help her through anything and everything. But...he never would've met Shigaraki. He wouldn't have this horribly sick feeling every time he saw that crusty bastard.


Dabi looked up. Shigaraki was looking at him...smiling. Why the hell is he smiling? Dabi thought, shocked. He let his hands fall, biting his bottom lip. Shigaraki slowly made his way over, wrapping his arms around Dabi's neck comfortingly. Finally, Dabi caved in. He buried his face in Shigaraki's shoulder, letting his tears fall freely now. His boss didn't seem to mind. Shigaraki was sure to keep two fingers up while he was hugging Dabi, even though he felt like showing him the same pain he was feeling at the moment.

Small footsteps echoed in the hallway and stopped at Dabi's door. Shigaraki opened an eye to meet Toga's cat-like eyes in the doorway. Her face was full of shock and sadness. Shigaraki nodded softly and Toga skipped over to them. She knelt beside Dabi and hugged him, keeping her arms away from her boss's hands. The scarred villain tensed up before looking at her teary eyed.

"H-Himiko?" he whispered.

"We're here for you, Dabs." she smiled.

Dabi squeezed his eyes shut again and laid his head back on Shigaraki. The paler villain ran two of his fingers through Dabi's ashy black hair and sighed. He wished there was more he could do other than just sit there with him in his arms. However, he also thought that that was enough; that that was all Dabi desired. To feel the slightest bit of comfort and love in the hellish world that'll take any chance it gets to swallow someone whole.

"Oi, Scar-Face," Dabi made a muffled "hmm" noise in response, "Don't keep these things bottled up. Yes, it improves your fighting, but when you go over board this happens." Shigaraki's voice lowered to a whisper, "If you ever need a break, come to my room. I'll listen."

Dabi's body relaxed a little. He lifted himself up from Shigaraki's shoudler and looked at Toga. The yandere grinned and patted his head. The scarred villain smiled softly, looking between the two.

"Thank you. The both of you." he muttered.

"No problem! Now, I'm going to check on Jin and make sure Compress hasn't hurled all over the bar." Toga sighed.

As she walked out of the room, Dabi turned back to his boss. He looked at the floor where Shigaraki was looking, where the pictures got disintagrated.

"It's fine." Dabi said aloud, brushing the dust away, "Those ones weren't important!"

Shigaraki looked up at Dabi and then back at the floor, "I-I'm going to go before I fuck anything else up."

With that, the leader of the LoV stood up and exited Dabi's room.

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