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It was quiet. Well, other than the bird chirping up in the newly, blossoming trees. Our footsteps crunch over the fallen sticks instead of snow. It was weird. Hearing the crunch of sticks instead of snow. To have my hood down instead of up. To hear the trees sway instead of standing still. 

Too much in the amazement, I didn't hear someone walking beside me. My dagger was in my hand when the contact was made on my shoulder. I settled it against the persons neck throwing a glare their way. Peter had his hands raised in surrender. I relaxed my stance putting my dagger back in its place on my belt. I sighed as Peter let out a breath of air.

"Apologizes, My King." I said, walking again not waiting for him to recover.

"Its fine." He shrugged. "I shouldn't have done that anyway. And my name is Peter." He corrected. It was my turn to shrug.

It got awkward between us, not knowing what to say.

"Is your name Shadow or Natasha?" Peter asked. I mentally groaned at the question.

"Both," I answered. "The Narnians call me Shadow for many years. Only my closest friends, like the Beavers and Mr. Tumnus, call me Natasha."

He nodded.

"I feel like I have to apologize about what the wolf said at the waterfall." I played dumb, acting like I didn't know what he was talking about. Maybe, he would drop it. "About your parents and being stuck here." And, he didn't.

"I've learned to accept it. It doesn't matter if I can't go back because I have people here that are my family now. Even though that most don't accept me as one of their people, I still have Beavers, Tumnus, Oreius, Rupert," I paused, "Aslan." I ignored his looks of pity. It was nothing new since people give them to me every time they find out a piece of my life.

I didn't react to his hand on my shoulder but it did leave a strange feeling in the pit of my stomach. I looked up at him. Again, the strange churn came back when he smiled at me.

"When I am King they will have to accept you." Peter declared. I chuckled.

"No, they won't, Your Majesty." 

"Of course, they will! Don't they respect the most trusted warrior that stands side-by-side with their King?" I raised an eyebrow and watched in amusement as he stumbled over his words with tinted cheeks. "I mean, their Kings and Queens."

"I am already standing side-by-side with the Truest King of them all! They will merely care whether I stand next to the Prophecies."

He glared slightly at my stubbornness. I almost smirked in triumph if it weren't for his stubbornness either. I had a feeling that we were going to bang our heads together more often in the future.

I sighed, accepting that I will never win against him. Let alone knowing that he will do it anyway behind my back since he is going to be crowned King. 

He grinned, causing my heart to beat faster. My cheeks were burning before I even knew what was happening. Cursing at these new feelings staring as Peter ran back to his two sisters who were talking in whispers.

What in Aslan's mane is going on?


It wasn't long before we arrived at the entrance of the camp. Trumpets erupted on top of the highest rocks on each side of the entrance of the camp. The trees bristled along in the winds creating their flowers to fall around us. Lucy waved at all of them. 

I lead the others with my head held high. Centaurs sharpened their weapons, Bears practiced their fighting stances, and Fauns tried on their armors. But all of this stopped when the Prophecies stepped foot into the camp. I could feel their hope radiating off of them as they stared. 

Narnia's Shadow // Peter PevensieWhere stories live. Discover now