My Prophecy

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All day, I have been teaching Susan on her stance in using the bow that Father Christmas had gifted to her. While I am not busy focusing on Susan I go over and help Lucy with her daggers. 

Peter and Edmund have been training with Oreius; swords are in his blood which is why he is training with the two brothers and not me. Sometimes coming over to us to distract their sisters with their training before I would shoo them away by threatening to put an arrow through their heads.

But, the four siblings aren't the only ones practicing their new set of skills. I have been trying to get in touch with my powers that Aslan have given back to me to handle. An ache appears in my head every now and then with an image from a random person's mind of whoever is close by. I would shake my head to make it go away. I don't know what you call it but I know for sure that I cannot read someone's mind. I can only see an image.

My ability to move things with my mind have returned. Oh, how I have missed that one the most. Growing up, I teased and pulled tricks on Tumnus when using that power. Changing or moving his things around to confuse him. Ideas of new tricks to pull on people have already came to mind to use in the future. It is also useful for pushing enemies away.

My agility has also been granted access to me. I thank Aslan's mane to have the beauty of grace and not having to worry about tripping over things — my cloak, dress... my own feet — anymore. Having the ability to be agile and sneaky comes in handy in being the most noblest and fiercest of warriors in Narnia. Especially, if they are going to be the royal guard to the Kings and Queens of Narnia. Although, I do wish that I have the speed of a cheetah. Even though, my speed is faster than the average human, it isn't as fast as those with incredible speed.

The enhanced hearing and eyesight have been an improvement. I can hear conversations as far as the river that the Beavers, the three Majesties, and I had crossed the other day. But that means hearing things that are unimportant or things that I wish I hadn't known in the first place. Eyesight is very important for an archer. It is for seeing your target at a certain distance so you may never miss your shot. If I had a good shot before, I have a better one now!

I also have the power to disappear from one spot to another. I become engulf in a smoke of a blue-grey color. Like the same color that matches my left eye. It was truly fascinating but it was hard to keep it away from Lucy and Susan so I wasn't able to be memorized by it for very long. I plan to tell them before the battle against the White Witch. But for now I need to focus on training the sisters and practicing with my abilities again.

I mean, it has been thirty-four years since I last used them. I am a little new to having them again. It's like having to get used to an old friend returning to your life after being apart for so long. I have lost the touch, the connection to my other half. All I need to do is reconnect.

And there are many more powers that I can't remember that are just waiting to be unleashed at the right moment. With the list of my powers in my mind, questions seem to come with it. Did I develop them because of my Mother or my Father? Or, did I get it from both? If I have any siblings, would they have these strange abilities, too? Is it passed on from generations?

It was then, as Lucy threw her dagger at the target (which hit its mark) did it come to me. With my ability to disappear place to place, can I move from world to world? Will I be able to find them with my powers given back to me? I tilt my head to the side.

Is this why Aslan was so hesitant to give them back to me? Because, He thought that I was going to leave? I mean, I admit I will leave for a short amount of time before returning back. Yes, I may not be originally from Narnia but it will always be my home. 

The thought struck in my head as Lucy grinned wide as her dagger hit the center of the target. My head whipped over as Peter and Edmund came galloping over to us with their swords in hand. They fought with their heads held high and their form perfect for beginners. Peter was riding a magical unicorn. The color was a canvas white. The unicorn that Peter is riding is the last of its kind —the White Witch's wolves had wiped most of them out for food. While Edmund was riding a horse that was a gorgeous chestnut colored stallion.

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